Are you having problems with your ritualistic behavior? Are you troubled by your unwanted thoughts that keep popping on your mind like a computer virus?

Try to evaluate yourself and trace down how many times your rituals and thoughts had caused disruption into your daily activities. Find out before it's too late. You might be suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder.

Obsessive compulsive disorder also known as OCD roots from anxiety. Its common characteristics include repetitive thoughts that result to ritualistic behaviors. It is a condition by which the person’s mind is overlaid with doubts and fear from catastrophe. Hence, the person is obsessed with activities done repeatedly more than the normal frequency to avoid the perceived possible tragedy. The ritualistic behaviors serve as coping mechanism of a person with OCD to diminish his/ her anxiety.

People with obsessive compulsive disorder are obsessed with cleanliness. They have this intrusive thought that everything that surrounds them is dirty. They have this constant fear of being contaminated and possibly becoming sick. As a result, these persons would have ritualistic behaviors on hand washing or bathing to keep themselves clean.

Another common thought that keeps disturbing persons with obsessive compulsive disorder is safety. They are threatened by the idea that they might have forgotten to turn off any appliance at home that might turn their house into ashes. Another usual thought they have is the fear from intruders. People with OCD are afraid that strangers might trespass their house and their love ones might end up harmed by the said strangers. These fears result to behaviors such as turning the lights or other appliances on and off for numerous times as well as checking the door locks more than the usual.

Moreover, individuals with OCD may exhibit perfectionism as well, particularly with arrangement and orderliness of objects within their surroundings. They are extremely particular with how their things should appear on its respected locations.

Both the thoughts and the rituals are unwanted. The person with obsessive compulsive disorder is even aware that the thoughts are hyperbolic resulting to a disrupting behavior. However, the person can't just control it.

There are ways to overcome the obsessive compulsive disorder. One of these means include addressing the bottom line that leads to the development of OCD, which is anxiety. It would be best that if you are experiencing symptoms of OCD, you should consult a mental health expert to lessen or totally eradicate the anxiety that you are experiencing. Another way is to accept your thoughts about safety, cleanliness and alike. However, get rid of the perceived catastrophes. The more you fight your thoughts, the more you keep thinking about it. Furthermore, equip yourself with adequate helpful information about obsessive compulsive disorder. The information might come from your mental health specialist or from educational resources such as internet or books. This can help you deal with the disorder effectively.

Indeed, the key to overcome OCD is you. You can be treated as long as you want it. However, if you are not submissive to have the disorder managed by the experts, you will suffer throughout your life from the functional disabilities it can bring to you.

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