Fear and anxiety seems to be very common these days, especially in the Western world. It makes one wonder what might be the reason for that. It seems that a lot of us share this adversity and you might be surprised to know that the cause is the same for all of us.

In order to truly overcome fear and anxiety it is important to know what lies behind them so that we can make appropriate steps and solve these issues for good. The worst thing that we can do is to cover up our problem with anti-anxiety pills and other self-destructive medical “solutions”. You should only try overcoming anxiety without medication.

What Causes Fear and Anxiety?

To be most specific on the subject, fear is not an actual emotion or a feeling as much as it is the result of us trying to avoid certain feelings and emotions. So when we say that we are afraid of something, what we really mean is that there are particular emotions that want to come on the surface yet we try to avoid them by running away from them. And that running-away is experienced as fear.

How to Overcome Anxiety and Fear?

We must understand that no amount of running away or stuffing down our sub consciousness will ever going to help us in any way. The only thing we can do is to be ready to see what scares us so much. What is it that lies in our sub consciousness and wants to come out that we want to avoid it?

We don’t intentionally avoid it as our mind does that automatically. However, if we keep focused and don’t try to run away, we might let the feelings out and not have to deal with them again, or at least not that much anymore.

There are many reasons why we can feel scared of something, and mostly it helps if we don’t deal with the problem but rather concentrate on the solution. Overcoming fear and anxiety may sometimes require someone to hold our hand, and not a medical doctor with a needle, but rather someone who has experience with that and knows how to overcome it successfully.

What is Missing?

You might be surprised to hear that, but it is not the hate that is the opposite of love, but the fear. Love is the fullness and warmth we feel in our own self, while fear on the other hand is experienced quite contrary, as the lack of love, or in the other words, as emptiness in our own self. But why do we feel that way? How can we fill that emptiness in us?

The reason why most of us Westerners feel empty and afraid is because we are raised that way. We are not though of love, but of materialism. We are thought of career, position, house and a car, and never of love. We are thought that fullness and happiness can be achieved by obtaining as much of the aforementioned material things as we can, yet we totally fail to achieve that. Ever. Why? Because it is simply not possible. Nothing and no one can give us something that is only present in our own selves.

If we have parents who know what love is, we will be able to feel that way ourselves as their presence will help us see that. But unfortunately, not the generation before us or the generation before them knew that there is something else that can make us happy instead of material possessions.

Love Yourself and Say Goodbye to Fear

The greatest mind trick that ever happened in the history of mankind is our false believe that the happiness and love can be obtained from the outside. That is why we mindlessly wonder around looking for our perfect partner who will love us and our perfect job, yet we never seem to find that everlasting feeling of true happiness no matter how hard we try.

We are so hard-wired into that believe that when we hear people talking about true love we hear nothing but empty words. But then again, what is the difference between a person who lives a life in an absolute joy and a person who is constantly afraid and anxious? Nothing. There is no difference whatsoever. They are both completely the same (in the essence).

The first one hoverer keeps his mind centered onto himself, while the second one keeps his mind centered on the outer things while being totally ignorant of his own presence. The result is a feeling of emptiness that we then try to fill by possessing other people and objects and satisfying our senses to get as much pleasure as possible to intoxicate ourselves for some time.

So, How Exactly Can I Overcome Fear And Anxiety?

By now, we should have a better idea about how to overcome fear or anxiety. By now we have learned that it is our own running away from our own inner self that makes us feel so afraid and anxious. There are all kinds of feelings in our sub consciousness that constantly urge to the surface, and we should learn to accept and embrace every one of them without any kind of fear or revolt. Because those feeling are a part of who we are, and in order to become who we want to be, we first need to deal in a gentle way with who we are now.

It is the false idea about ourselves that we are the empty shells who have to obtain happiness from the outside and when we fail to do so or when our attempts to do so seem to fail on us, we get horrifically terrified.

Well you know what? If we do get the position that we want, a house, a car, a beautiful wife or a husband, and a 100 “friends” around us and another 1000 on Facebook we might feel relaxed for some time, but for how long do you think we can hold onto those false feelings? Sooner or later things will start to change and our emptiness will start creeping out again.


We can have everything we ever wanted and achiever anything we can think off and live a life in abundance, because it is not the money or any kind of experiences that are the issue at all (in fact, money can do wonders if we use it properly). The real issue is when we fail to realize that we cannot find happiness and love through the worldly things. All the things are here for us to enjoy them, but not to be enslaved by them.

Learn to love yourself and realize that the only thing that you ever truly wanted was yourself and the awareness of your own presence in any given moment. Then, you will laugh at the times when you still believed that something as fear actually exist.

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Do you want to learn 4 practical tips to overcome fear and anxiety? Go to: http://www.expansionblog.com/tips-to-overcoming-fear-and-anxiety-without...

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Remember that you can never overcome fear or anxiety by dealing with the problem. Always stay focused on what you can do to feel better and maintain a positive mental attitude.