The decision to seek a higher education is one that has profound effects upon your life. It teaches you how to approach problems differently, how to work with other people, and how to improve yourself based on criticism.

When you simply put an autobiographical note on your resume about your college years, it doesn't mean much to your prospective employers.

Let's explore four ways that you can make your college years look good on resume paper.

Sell Your Experience

A resume is a piece of paper that helps prospective employers decide what stands out about you. It quickly gives them a way to determine what beneficial qualities you would supply to that company if you were hired.

When you list your college experience, sell it.

If you obtained a prestigious degree, such as an online master’s in history, from an institution like Norwich University, then explain how this course makes you better than the next candidate. Elaborate upon the hard work and difficult nature of the course.

Use Extracurricular Activities

The activities you performed outside of your collegial duties are something that most college graduates tend to forget to list. These activities are incredibly important, as they let your potential employer know that you're willing to go above and beyond your responsibilities.

When you list your extracurricular activities, ensure that you make it easy for your potential employer to see how this makes you an asset to their company.

If you participated in your local engineering chapter, explain how this helped you develop problem-solving skills, and elaborate upon your accomplishments.

Relate Your Experiences to Skills

Your skills are your most valuable asset to any company, though they may not be the type of skills that aligns specifically with your major.

Your abilities to solve problems, work in a team, and coordinate your efforts to meet deadlines are all basic things that you learned in college. Relate these skills to your potential job responsibilities, and your resume will stand out among the rest.

Leverage Networked Connections

An estimated 80 percent of jobs are found through networking. This means that who you know is one of the most powerful factors when it comes to getting your resume noticed.

While you are still in college, work to develop these connections. The friends you meet in college will likely know someone who can help you land your dream job.

Something as simple as a call from one of these people can get the human resources department of a company to pull your resume out of the stack to notice it. That may be just what you need to get the job you've always wanted.

The best part is that this simple networking can make your resume look better without it being listed on your actual resume.

Getting Your Resume Noticed with Your College Experience

While there are many ways to get your resume noticed, the ones involving your college experience tend to be the most persuasive.

When you use the above tips to sell yourself to a prospective employer, you will notice that you receive more calls asking for interviews, which puts you just a step away from landing the job of your dreams.

Author's Bio: 

Anica is a professional content and copywriter who graduated from the University of San Francisco. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she's used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here.