Want to know a surefire way to increase your chances of living a long and healthy life? Exercise! Making excuses and procrastinating won’t prolong your life or get you off the hook from taking good care of yourself. Here is an empowering motto: Do TODAY what you can do tomorrow. Here are 7 Reasons Why Exercise is good for you!

1. Good exercise = good sleep. When you engage in an active lifestyle, you will sleep better at night.

2. Just 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a day will reduce mild to moderate symptoms of depression by HALF!

3. Working out improves your self esteem that can also enhance your sex life! When we feel good about our bodies we feel good about being intimate too.

4. Regular exercise increases your immune system. Say “hello” to exercise and “goodbye” to the common cold.

5. When you work out consistently you will feel more alert and energized throughout your day! Exercise = Energy!

6. Resistance training increases your muscle mass which then increases your metabolism making it easier for you to lose weight and keep it off.

7. Engaging in regular exercise reduces your risk of major disease: heart disease, colon cancer, breast cancer and Alzheimer’s just to name a few!

So there you have it! The next time you find yourself saying “I’ll exercise tomorrow” consider what that tomorrow could be like. Working out today drastically improves your life, wellness and energy level paving the way for all of your tomorrows to be vibrant and joyful!

Sources: Annals of Internal Medicine; Duke University, University of Georgia, Archives of Internal Medicine.

© 2010 copyright. Susan Liddy, AspireLifeCoaching.org. All rights reserved.

Author's Bio: 

Life Coach Susan Liddy, MA, PCC, CPCC, is on a mission to let every woman know that she can live a confident and fulfilling life. Since 2004 she has helped women around the globe achieve goals and dreams such as heal relationships, write books, change careers, start businesses and create overall life balance. She is the Founder and CEO of AspireLifeCoaching.org, creator of the Passage to Empowerment™ coaching program, and author of The Secrets to Ultimate Living: What You Wish You Knew When You Were Twenty. Learn more about Susan Liddy by visiting her website:
http://www.AspireLifeCoaching.org or blog: http://www.SecretsToUltimateLiving.com