How To Get Rid Of Anxiety And Depression: How To Help Stop An Anxiety Attack

For me, there were a handful of important things I needed to accept before I figured out how to prevent panic attacks. These were "states of mind" that were holding me back from recovery. The worst thing was, I was completely unaware of these states of mind for almost all of the 17 years I lived with my anxiety disorders.

But when I woke up to them, and started adjusting my behaviour around them, the transformation was almost immediate.

What can you do to stop constant anxiety and fear? Is it possible to stop panic attacks without medication?

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I'd like to share one of these states of mind with you right now. If you can get your head around this you'll be many steps closer to knowing how to prevent panic attacks.

I call this "Overcoming Your Fear of Recovery."

You might read that and think it sounds nuts. Because who wouldn't want to recover from these terrible anxiety disorders?

But the truth is, when you've lived with anxiety for many years, you come to depend on it. You identify yourself with it. It becomes you, and you become it.

And if you're anything like I was, then you'll find imagining your future life without anxiety hard to do. You'll be scared at the new identify you'll take on if your anxiety is gone. You'll be scared at the thought of being panic-free and what that might mean for the many other ways you'd have to change.

But here's the good news.

All you have to do is remind yourself of this state of mind from time to time. Remind yourself that there's a part of you that is scared of recovering.

If you can learn to do this every now and then, your subconscious will one day be able to let go of the fear of living without your anxiety.

And when you want to know how to prevent panic attacks, learning to let that fear go is vital.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover practical methods to get through frightening panic attacks and eliminate anxiety in a safe, effective, and natural way... and rid yourself of anxiety and panic attacks permanently! You won't find out about this anywhere else. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here!

Controlling panic attacks naturally is better than using drugs. Drug-based medication for controlling anxiety attacks is expensive and has many side effects. So more and more sufferers are turning to controlling panic attacks without medication. Here, you'll discover 3 simple tips on how to control your panic attacks naturally.

Before we get into them, it's worth looking at why you suffer these attacks. Usually someone who has anxiety attacks already has higher than normal daily anxiety levels. So when that person experiences a stressful event the stress adds on top of their already heightened anxiety levels. The outcome is often a panic (anxiety) attack, and, added anxiety.

At this point it's worth considering your mainstream drug-based medication. Your doctor will normally prescribe medication like beta blockers, tranquilizers and antidepressants. These attempt to control your mood and / or your physical symptoms. As with most drugs these have side effects of varying degrees and you can take some time to settle into them. Sometimes your anxiety can even get worse temporarily.

The real problem comes when you come off your medication. If you haven't taken care of the 'cause' of your ongoing anxiety and anxiety attacks (your fear -- see below) they can just start up again. Which is why so many people nowadays are controlling their panic attacks naturally, without expensive drug-based medication and their side effects.

Here are 3 tips for controlling panic attacks without medication...


If you haven't exercised for some time start with swimming or walking. Regular exercise, apart from getting you fitter and improving your overall health, uses the chemicals (e.g. adrenaline, cortisol) that are secreted when you have an attack. And, exercise enhances endorphins that make you feel happier and merrier.

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Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause the jitters. And high levels can lead to an anxiety attack. You can find caffeine not just in coffee but in tea, coke, and things like Red Bull type drinks. You need to cut out these. If you're a serious drinker, i.e. you drink any or all of these to excess, then you'll need to reduce your intake gradually.


It helps a lot if you can take your mind off your 'fear' of having an attack. By concentrating on specific things you can help to lower your anxiety levels because you aren't 'obsessing' and 'stressing' about your condition. The more you have to concentrate on, then the less you worry about your condition. For instance, distract yourself from your anxiety and the fear of having panic attacks, by researching something you are really interested in, e.g. learn to play a musical instrument, do home projects, take up a sport and be the best you can be, etc. Make sure it's something you can get 'right into' on a daily basis.

The key thing in controlling panic attacks is your 'fear' of having another panic attack...

The interesting thing about the last tip is that it concerns your 'fear' of anxiety, in particular your fear of another panic attack. This is a critical element in controlling panic attacks without medication. You see, the symptoms you experienced were just so terrifying that you are constantly afraid of having another attack, even subconsciously. This fear adds to your already higher-than-normal anxiety levels, and, if you're then faced with an everyday stressful event, that event can push your levels so high that an attack is triggered. This is your vicious 'cycle of anxiety' that you need to break free from.

So, to properly control panic attacks, you need to do all you can to eliminate your 'fear' of another panic attack. Drug-based medication cannot do this, only your willpower can. Tip 3 will certainly help, but you'll probably need something more powerful, something you can use to 'train' yourself to get rid of the fear, and, that you can use whenever you feel panic attack symptoms starting. Basically you need a 'technique' to help you 'face up' to your fear, meet it head on, and by meeting it head on diffusing it. A unique technique that is growing in popularity is outlined below.

You can't breathe, your thoughts are racing, and you might even feel like you're having a heart attack. You've tried medication, but it's not working like it used to--or it never worked at all. You can't stand the anxiety and panic any more, and you want a solution that works: Click Here

Finally... Easy natural anxiety remedies & simple ways to eliminate your chest-crushing anxiety and get your life back... Visit How to Get Rid of Anxiety

By understanding anxiety and panic attacks you'll have a much better chance of overcoming them. Here, you have 10 frequently asked questions to help you gain a better understanding of anxiety and panic attacks and how to beat them without drugs.


Anxiety is a state in which you feel uneasy, tense and fearful. You also worry and perhaps even obsess about things or events in a way that is way beyond their seriousness. Many people suffer from general anxiety which is where they experience anxiety on a daily basis over an extended period.


There are psychological symptoms such as; difficulty sleeping, irritability, poor concentration, feeling worried / anxious all the time. But there are also physical symptoms that occur when you suffer from what is commonly called an 'anxiety' or 'panic' attack (see FAQ 5). These are things like; racing heart, palpitations (irregular heartbeat), chest pains, sweating, trembling, hyperventilation (breathing faster) and nausea.


As we learn more about the condition, it is believed that there may be several reasons for anxiety. These are things such as; genetics, personality, life experiences and brain chemistry.

You are more likely to have anxiety if a family member has suffered from it. If you have poor social skills, poor coping skills and have low self-esteem, you are more prone. Someone who has suffered poverty, abuse or violence in their life also is more prone. Finally, chemical reactions / imbalances in your brain are believed to have a role to play in anxiety disorders.


A panic attack is your body's primeval response to a 'perceived' threat. Our ancestors, hundreds of thousands of years ago, had 2 simple choices for survival when faced with a perceived threat; either run away or fight, what we call the 'fight or flight' response today. In such a situation the 'unconscious' mind takes over and assumes that there is in fact danger -- better safe than sorry -- and primes the body to run or fight.

Many things occur to achieve this, but some of the most important are that adrenaline is released, blood pressure increases and breathing increases. Also, blood is diverted from the stomach to the major muscles for strength and speed, pupils dilate to let in more light to see more, and, hands and feet can sweat to give better grip. These are some of the things necessary to give the greatest chance of survival.

Today we aren't faced with the same daily dangers as our forefathers. But our bodies still retain the primeval fight or fight response to perceived danger. And, in today's society, it can 'trigger' a fight or flight response even when there is no apparent danger or threat. See FAQ 6.

Learn How I Used 3 Simple Techniques To Stop Panic & Anxiety Attacks


There are many panic attack symptoms but the most common are; racing heart, tightness in chest and throat, tingling fingers and toes, dizziness, nausea, sweating, trembling, irregular heartbeat, hyperventilation, a feeling of 'detachment', a real feeling of impending doom.


In today's society, a panic attack happens when someone with higher-than-normal levels of anxiety is confronted with a stressful situation. This stressful situation heaps more stress on top of the person's already heightened anxiety levels. The unconscious part of the brain perceives this as signalling a threat and so triggers the 'fight or fight' response.

But because you aren't in a dangerous situation, when you start to feel the effects of this mentally and physically, you don't tie the two together, i.e. a threat and the body's response. The result is that you experience the symptoms without the knowledge of why they have occurred. You conclude then that you are having a heart attack, or stroke, or some other serious event. You aren't.


No they can't. They are just the results of your body's natural reaction to a perceived threat in a situation where there isn't a real threat. The symptoms you experience are the results of that process. They cannot harm you. But because you're experiencing them in isolation you are thinking that you're having a heart attack, etc., when in fact you aren't.


No you don't. Drug-based medications are normally your physician's first line of treatment. And although for many people they can be effective in the short term, they aren't really a long term solution. They have several side effects and some can be addictive if not handled carefully.

There are other non-drug therapies such as psychotherapy, counselling, hypnotherapy, relaxation techniques, and support groups, etc. If you look around the anxiety forums, more and more people seem to be looking to more natural therapies.


The key is to lower your general anxiety levels, so that everyday stressful events won't push your overall anxiety over the top and trigger a flight or fight response, i.e. a panic attack. And this is what a lot of the non-drug therapies try to do. There are many self-help therapies to lower stress for example.

But one of the critical factors in all of this is your 'fear' of having another panic attack. This is an understandable fear because the symptoms of a panic attack are so devastating that you don't want to repeat them.

The problem is that this subconscious fear is building upon your already heightened anxiety so that your overall anxiety increases. Then when another panic attack is triggered your fear factor increases adding even more to your overall anxiety. This is a vicious cycle of anxiety.

The bottom line is that you need to first eliminate your fear of another panic attack and break your cycle of anxiety in order to work effectively on lowering your general anxiety.


There are techniques to help you do this. But the key is to confront your fear head-on and in doing so diffuse that fear. You need to take control and not let your fear control you. A great American once said, "all we have to fear is fear itself", and this is especially true here.

Even trying to self-invoke a panic attack can help diffuse your fear. I bet you that, if you try to trigger a panic attack right now, you can't. Because by trying to trigger one you've effectively taken control and diffused the fear.

If You're Ready to Finally Wave Goodbye to Anxiety – that anxiety and dread that looms over you from the moment you wake... those nagging worries of what could happen to you or your loved ones... those stressful situations which send your brain into overdrive even when you just want to unwind – all those things that hold you back from a more relaxed happier life – Then Click Here to quash anxiety, once and for all – without side effects or costly ineffective therapy.

To understand what anxiety disorder is, it is important to understand anxiety disorder affects both a person's behavior patterns and his or her physical well being. This is true even when, as is the case of the overwhelming majority of anxiety disorder sufferers, no real physical harm is done to the body in any way.

There are times when anxiety disorder raises a person's blood pressure. However, this elevation in blood pressure usually doesn't reach the level where is it of great concern. Still, nervousness which is a large component of anxiety and hypertension are somewhat connected.

Physical Checkups are a Must

People with anxiety disorder should keep on top of their blood pressure reading for two reasons. First, to make sure it is under control and secondly, to give them less to worry about. This is wise because a large component of anxiety is worry and fear.

Most times, any physical problems an anxiety sufferer thinks he is having are not really systemic problems. For instance, many anxiety sufferers believe, from time to time they are having heart attacks. Though they should be examined by a doctor so they can be sure what the conditions of their hearts are, the heart attack symptoms a person having an anxiety attack experiences, are mock symptoms brought on by an overactive adrenaline system.

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Feeling Things that aren't there

An overactive adrenaline system is capable of making people feel symptoms they truly are not having. To them, these symptoms are very real. However, it is not their hearts making them feel pain in their chests. It is not an esophagus problem causing their inability to swallow. These sensations and many more can be the result of the feelings brought on by an inappropriate oversupply of adrenaline gushing through the bloodstream.

A dictionary definition of anxiety disorder is it is "a condition where a person is kept in the state of apprehension for the majority of the time." While this is the official one-sentence definition, in real life anxiety disorders are marked by the stated apprehension, as well as inordinate amounts of nervousness when there is no outside stimulus causing it. There are also very uncomfortable physical sensations that are caused by adrenaline flow and not physical failures.

Anxiety disorder brings about a cycle that perpetuates it. This cycle is the awful physical feelings brought on by the anxiety sufferer's heavy flow of adrenaline into the bloodstream. These awful feelings perpetuate or even exacerbate the sufferer's apprehension and so more adrenaline is manufactured, and this creates more awful physical feelings. Breaking this cycle is the key to overcoming anxiety disorder.

Former severe anxiety sufferer reveals the only holistic system that will show you how to treat your panic attacks and anxiety, regain your self confidence, and enjoy life without fear, using a unique 3-step method no one else will tell you about... Visit Cure Anxiety Attacks

If you are willing to make just a few simple changes in your daily routine, you can stop your panic attacks and enjoy your daily activities again, both alone and with your friends and family. To learn how you can stop your symptoms in a couple of steps and then prevent them from ever appearing again- Click Here

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Now you can defeat social anxiety or extreme shyness to finally be as confident as you want to be....even if you are frustrated, hopeless and doubting you'll make any progress! Visit Stop Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Still feeling that life is passing you by? Discover how to overcome your anxiety and panic attacks with two simple steps without paying for expensive therapy and without leaving your room... Visit How To Stop Anxiety

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