Although the medical science has tried its best to promote the idea that lumbar degenerative disc disease is a harmful condition which is abnormal. It typically causes disability in the spines of the affected people and causes pain too. On the other hand, degenerative disc disease is universal and a part of the aging process. It is practically not the source of any neurological symptoms and significant pain. The words “degenerative disc disease” do frighten most patients and promote the viewpoint of spinal dysfunction and the agonizing misery associated with it.

The patients diagnosed with such condition are usually not given the honest view of the spinal changes they have experienced due to several reasons. Most of them have been explained by the doctors that their spines are falling. The reason that they give is the disintegration of the intervertebral disc structures. Most degenerative diseases generally begin after the middle age and usually continue for life. However, in the case of lumbar degenerative disc disease, it is not so. Most people demonstrate good amount of degeneration in the cervical and lumbar spines by the age of 30 years. However, there are many people who show these changes at far younger age. It is not contagious, harmful or unusual to experience this problem and there would not be any human being who would be spared from the same during his lifetime.

This disease can be the cause of loss of quality life as the physical activities becomes quite limited. The patients are no longer able to perform such activities which they love. For people who experience unbearable pain, lumbar spine surgery in atlanta is the most suitable option. There are many other innovative surgery techniques such as arthroscopy, minimally invasive surgery and robotic assisted surgery. Different kinds of pains can occur depending on where the nerves are pinched. Discomfort and sharp pains in the ankle, leg or foot is caused by lumbar herniated disc. This pain usually worsens while sitting. If there is pain as well as weakness and numbness in the arms, a cervical herniated disc is the most probable cause for the same. The arthritis of the back is caused by the degenerative disc disease and is a very painful disorder. There are many symptoms associated with degenerative spine disorder and few of them have been listed here- neck pain, low back pain and great reduction in the quality of life.

Some of the problems associated with degenerative disc disease include herniated discs, slipped discs, pinched nerves, collapsed discs or torn discs. The treatment options for the same include some conservative as well as surgical procedures. The lumbar spine surgery in atlanta offers the options of disc replacement, decompression, anterior lumbar interbody fusion, decompression and posterolateral fusion etc. Degenerative disc disease is not something to fear about. In fact, even if you are not able to enjoy your life and the quality is reduced, try to find the best and easy way out instead of getting yourself slaughtered as a lamb in the operation theatre without any need for the same.

Author's Bio: 

Tom William is an expert author with rich experience in health industry.. At present he is writing on various topics like Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease and Lumbar Spine Surgery in Atlanta.