If you decide to set up your own home business then having a website to help with your marketing is something that you should definitely consider. These days the majority of people will search for a local or national business using the internet so if you do not have a site you will be missing out on potential customers. A website is also a great way of letting people see what it is you do as well as providing answers for the many questions that they may have. For example you can explain the type of work that you do and include examples of this along with a price list, if relevant, and your contact details.
1. Keep it Professional
You need to remember that your website is a reflection on yourself and your business so make sure that it looks good! Take care to keep the tone of the site professional and keep it easy to navigate without bombarding visitors with information. Make sure the important areas are easy to see as people may be put off if they have to spend time searching for an answer.
Be sure to update your site regularly and perhaps include a small blog so that people have something new to read whenever they visit. It is also worth considering how to make your website rank well in online searches so that it can be easily found.
2. Information to Include
The marketing information that you place on your site is incredibly important. Make sure that it is always accurate and up to date and never be tempted to over embellish. Having an ‘about’ page can be a great way for people to see who you are. Include a short introduction about you, your business and your experience. You could also attach a picture of yourself as this can help to make you seem more approachable.
You will then need to have a page or more that focuses on the work that you do and includes examples of work, or products, depending on the nature of your business. Be sure to include a price list that is as accurate as possible so that people can see immediately if they can afford you.
Perhaps one of the most important pages on your home business website is the one that lists your contact details and location. Include a work phone number as well as an email address so that you can be contacted easily. Be sure to have these details somewhere prominent so that people can contact you without any problems. Many marketing websites will also find that having a testimonials page can help show what you are capable of and make people feel more secure in working with you.
Chris Jenkinson is a UK based marketing consultant providing an outsourced marketing service to business owners and company directors.
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