Restaurants, pubs and restaurants, and any business that serves food and drinks, are always difficult places to do accounting. There are many reasons why food and drinks are difficult to trace: they are consumable, food and drinks can go bad, and customers can return orders to the kitchen. Food and beverage accounting principles can help prevent financial losses for your establishment. By following these simple tips, your business can improve your accounting and hopefully increase your profits.

Behavior menu engineering

Before opening your store or considering introducing a new menu item, you must do menu engineering. This involves analyzing how many meals a certain quantity of food can prepare and determining the price that a customer will pay for an item. Menu engineering also determines the popularity of an item, and therefore its profitability. This is the beginning of quantifying and controlling food and beverages for accounting purposes.

Use standardized recipes

Using standardized recipes that everyone in the kitchen follows is the next step in food and beverage accounting. You need to make sure that your food inventory makes a certain number of meals, and that your drinks are poured at a common level. All employees must be trained to follow these guidelines. When they don't, their business is losing money and profits.

Track sales carefully

All of your staff dealing with receiving meals, customer payments and collecting cash registers must be trained to do so properly and diligently. Proper training can avoid many mistakes at the cash register that can discard inventory and skew your accounting numbers. Make sure everyone knows how to use the registry and that your food and beverage accounting will be much simpler.

Strict purchasing guidelines

Everyone in your establishment must know and follow strict purchasing guidelines to establish effective food and beverage accounting. There must be a designated person to shop for the business, and he or she must be informed of the inventory counts in order for you to order. This prevents over-ordering and spoilage of food, which causes a lot of money for restaurants. To avoid this, establish a procedure before ordering and purchasing becomes a problem for you.

Have effective inventory management

Effective inventory practices are essential for proper food and beverage accounting. You should create inventory sheets and an inventory policy that guides employees on how often they should take inventories and how they should be done. Inventories can help order the required number of supplies, and also determine whether standardized recipes are followed.

Food and beverage accounting is essential to the success of any restaurant. You must do menu engineering to determine the profitability and costs of individual items, and you need a strict inventory of recipes and purchasing guidelines to ensure that food orders are used to their full potential. If you own a restaurant, pub or bar, it is extremely important that you implement the suggestions outlined above to improve your food and beverage accounting practices.

Author's Bio: 

Restaurants, pubs and restaurants, and any business that serves food and drinks,