Understanding employee orientation
It is said that the hallmark of good management is how well the manager gets work done from others in the organization. For this to happen, the employees have to be tuned into thinking about the business, the company aims and the manager’s style of functioning. The process of getting newly inducted employees to have their mindset aligned with the company’s goals and culture is what can be termed employee orientation. It is thus very important for the employees to undergo sound orientation, as this is what will mold their thinking about the work and their company.

During orientation, the new employees are made to understand the company’s business, goals, directions, and their role in it and the company’s expectations of their work and so on. They are also made aware of issues like working conditions, their growth path, the benefits they get, the company’s HR policies and other related issues. In other words, the employee orientation program is the first real introduction the new employee gets to work. She may have had some idea of the organization during the selection process; but getting down to work in that organization is different. This involves getting familiarized with not only the business and its products and/or services; it is also about getting some idea about the organizational culture and thinking.

Why is employee orientation needed?
Employee orientation is necessary for a number of reasons:
• Orientation introduces the company and the employee to each other
• It helps employees get a first-hand feel of the their role
• It lays out the company’s expectations of the employee
• It puts the employee at ease with his/her colleagues

Notwithstanding the uses employee orientation has for the employee and the employer, there are a few points to be noted in regard to its effectiveness:

If the HR personnel in charge of the orientation program are not fully aware of the company’s outlook or details of the business, this can percolate down to the employee undertaking the orientation. This usually does not happen in professionally managed companies, but is quite common in smaller businesses. It is possible that the person giving the orientation may not fully or properly convey what needs to be informed to the new employee. This normally happens when the person in charge of the orientation is either unaware of the organization’s businesses and goals or is not an effective communicator.

The foundation for the employee’s tenure
The orientation process is the start of the relationship between the company and the employee. It is the foundation on which the new employees get to know the company. This program has to thus be comprehensive and should not leave the employee in any kind of doubt about any area of work. If a misunderstanding is created in relation to the expectations or other aspects, there is a chance that the employee could be a non-starter. A properly conducted orientation program will result in reduced chances of misunderstanding between the employee and the employer. The orientation program is the stepping stone for the employee. It should not be treated casually. It is the decider between whether the employee will be a sticker or a hopper.

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