Twitter is one of the most popular social networking sites around and can offer you a fantastic way to promote your home business venture. By using Twitter you can contact and follow people who may be interested in what you offer, as well as find help and advice. However you need to remember to treat this as you would any other form of advertising and keep everything professional at all times. People can easily delete you if you become too pushy or annoying!
1. Build Relationships
It is vital that once you start using Twitter you dedicate time to replying and corresponding with others and building relationships. If people have commented on your tweets or taken the time to ask questions then failure to reply to these will give people a bad impression of your business and how it is run. They may also feel that you are not truly interested in what they have to say and remove you from their contacts.
2. Make Updates Regularly
In order to get people interested and remember who you are and what it is you do, you should make sure that you keep your account active. Posting tweets on an irregular basis may mean that people get bored of you and may even stop following if you have nothing interesting to say!
Try to make your updates varied and include details of what you have been doing work wise and any projects you are working on rather then directly advertising. If all you do is constantly promote your home business then you may well end up alienating people. Try to include offers and promotions from time to time as an added incentive for people to use your business.
3. Never Over Embellish
Some people often use methods that are perhaps not completely honest, such as embellishing information to get people to click on a link. Never promise something that you cannot deliver and avoid making claims that are not true. In order to get people to follow you on Twitter and to believe that both you and your business are respectable never be tempted to trick people!
Chris Jenkinson is a UK based marketing consultant providing an outsourced marketing service to business owners and company directors.
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