Please pardon my choice of words I hope I didn’t offend you. I just couldn’t find a better word to describe what I am experiencing right now. I remember as a kid when my legs would hurt my mom would say, “Oh you’re just experiencing growing pains.” I thought, OK that makes sense, a small price to pay to get a little taller.

Now as I experience them, I don’t feel the same willingness to comply as this pain, the pain of growing not taller, but wiser, brings on a whole new level of discomfort!

You see I’m in the process of up-leveling my life. What exactly does that mean, you might ask. I wasn’t quite sure myself until I realized that I had come upon yet another personal challenge and in order to overcome it, I would have to step into the next best version of me.

Do you know what I mean? It’s when you are facing an adversity in your life, it appears to be just that – something that challenges you makes you uncomfortable, takes you off track and naturally you resist it. Yet somewhere deep inside you know that it’s so much more. It’s actually an opportunity in disguise.

Napoleon Hill said that opportunity often comes in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat. If that’s the case, and I believe it to be true, than I can tell you for certain that I am on the verge of something big! Because from my perspective all I can see is misfortune and temporary defeat.

Why am I sharing this with you? Why am I being so transparent? Two reasons come to mind. One – because I want you to know that I’m right here in the trenches with you. Doing the difficult work, facing my own fears and doing whatever it takes to break on through to the other side! Two – because you need to know that this is an ongoing process. The journey just continues with each and every new level of success you reach in your life.

Wherever you are right now, whatever challenge you are facing, I promise you it won’t be the last. Not if you are committed to living your life to the fullest. And something tells me if you are part of this community, that’s exactly your commitment.

Let’s be real, will there ever be a time when you will sit back and say, “I’ve grown as much as I can grow. I’m done challenging myself and reaching for higher levels of joy and satisfaction in my life.” Boy I hope not! I don’t want that for you and I know you don’t want that for your Self. The day we stop growing is the day we start dying.

So what shall we do?

I’ll tell you my plan and if it resonates with you, I invite you to follow my lead.

MY Assignment:

  1. Get quiet – everyday I spend 10 – 15 min in silence, either sitting, walking or journaling. In my mind (or journal) I get curious and ask questions. Since I’m having a hard time with perspective right now, one of the questions I’ve been asking is, “What do I need to be seeing in this experience?” Then I just listen.
  2. Be Patient – I am going through a process and to force it and add pressure and expectation will not serve me. So I go to my inner support team and ask for help being patient and compassionate.
  3. Be Gentle with My Self – I know this is a grand opportunity I am coming upon. The growing pains that I am experiencing HURT. There’s no way to sugar coat it. So I will remind my Self to take it slow, allow for whatever feelings are revealed and show my Self love and tenderness throughout the process.
  4. Take Action – when inspired action reveals itself I TAKE IT. That is probably the most important (and scary) step. For it is taking this inspired action that will stretch and grow me and eventually allow me to shed the old version of me in preparation for the new version of me. ACTION is key here!
  5. Surround Myself with Support – I listen to recordings of my mentors and favorite inspirational teachers daily. I read from the books that have been instrumental in my growth and education. I ask for the help I need from the people in my life. (Sometimes THAT is an action that will stretch you!).

Just like every other time I have been called to move forward in my life, I know I will get through this, just as soon as IT has moved through me. Sometimes up-leveling your (my) life can seem like an impossible task. But when you (I) keep on it, stay laser focused, committed and open to the wisdom of a Divine plan and FOLLOW that plan, we will work through the pain and come out on the other side flourishing with expansive beauty!

Author's Bio: 

Want to use this article in your eZine or web site? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:
Aimee Yawnick has been mentoring women to make personal growth and development a priority for over 15 years. First, in the Health and Fitness Industry, now as a Personal Life Coach. With proven tools and systems Aimee helps her clients move swiftly and smoothly from a life of just ging through the motions and merely existing to being an active participant and living life to the fullest!
If you are a highly motivated and results-oriented woman who understands the value of developing your SELF, and you are ready to accelerate your personal growth in order to play a BIGGER GAME in your personal and professional life, contact Aimee today.