The glycemic index guide can show you the ranking of carbohydrates in foods based on their immediate effect on an individual's blood sugar levels. According to dieticians, the glycemic index can help you measure how a 50-gram carbohydrate serving can affect your blood sugar level in comparison to consuming 50-gram carbohydrate serving of white bread or glucose.

Based on the glycemic index guide, foods with higher carbohydrate ranking may cause the blood sugar level to spike quickly as they break down rapidly during digestion. On the other hand, foods which have low carbohydrates ranking break down slowly and causes gradual variations in blood glucose that helps reduce the risk of various heart diseases and diabetes, and is very helpful in losing weight as well.

On the glycemic index guide, foods are categorized into 3 main groups which are the following:

• High indexed Foods - 70 and above
• Medium rated Foods - 56-69
• Low ranked Foods - 55 below

You should know that foods with high rating, not only elevates blood glucose levels, but can also burn up your energy. Aside from that, these foods can also trigger your appetite which may lead to overeating and increased fat storage. Diets which are rich in high indexed foods can also increase body mass index which are often linked to various health problems such as diabetes, heart diseases and obesity. On the other hand, low rated foods have lesser impact on body mass and those who prefer low index foods have considerably lower body fat levels. These low ranked foods can help maintain a relatively constant blood sugar level that can help regulate energy, maintain or lose weight, and reduce the risk of certain health problems.

Following the glycemic index guide does not necessarily mean you have to sacrifice good-tasting foods just to stay healthy. You may do this by starting on high-fiber foods and lesser consumption of foods that are based on refined starches, sugar and grains. You may opt for unsweetened cereals that are based on barley, wheat barn or oats. You may also choose to have basmati rice, quinoa or pasta instead of potatoes. Yams or sweet potatoes are a lot better than white potatoes. Prefer whole-grain breads instead of white bread and all fresh unprocessed foods such as fruits and vegetables. When following the glycemic index guide, make sure to take note of the high GI foods and eliminate or lessen its consumption. These high GI foods often include white rice, white bread, carbonated beverages and potatoes.

Aside from the abovementioned benefits, low glycemic foods can also help you prolong your physical endurance which is why a low GI diet is highly recommended for athletes or for anyone with a very active lifestyle.

Author's Bio: 

Jonathan is main contributor and co-creator of the new Glycemic Index info based web-site: . Get lots more info there on the Glycemic Index Guide and also check out our free 10-part mini-eCourse, “Glycemic Index Secrets”, it might be all you’ll ever need (and did I mention it was free!!)