Isn't bread the staff of life? Is 'Gluten Free' just a fad? What's the big deal??

More & more people now realize that eating foods containing gluten (wheat, rye, barley & most oats) can cause major health problems! Since gluten containing grains are inexpensive fillers, they make their way into many products (soy sauce, soups, sauces, other cereal products), compounding the exposure.

In a growing number of people, the body recognizes gluten as a pathogen, & responds with inflammation. If this is repeated, over time chronic inflammation, T cell dysfunction, & an auto-immune reaction result. Many of those hard to 'solve' auto-immune 'diseases' (MS,IBS, fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Graves Disease, & lupus, etc) are actually your body's way of trying to cope with repeated exposure to a protein, gluten. There is also an increased risk of developing cancer.

Recently a friend, whose hubby was diagnosed with Celiac over 15 years ago, told me he needed to go in for testing, as he has been experiencing a lot of stomach pain recently. She said in passing "& he's cheated more before - had a whole piece of pumpkin bread, ..."

When I was first learning about gluten issues, I thought 'cheating' occasionally was fine, like another 'diet,' can't you just get back on?? Well, with gluten sensitivity & celiac, you really CAN'T 'cheat' - even a tiny bit triggers the inflammation cycle, & the effects last about 6 weeks! If you 'cheat' every few months, your body goes on constant alert, & you may become very ill.

More than 300 symptoms have been linked to gluten consumption, & it's now estimated that about 1% Americans have Celiac disease (& very few of those know it!), while about 30% are gluten sensitive1 Recent studies indicate Gluten sensitivity & celiac are four times as prevalent now than in the 1970s. Other studies show that health costs plummet after someone who is gluten sensitive goes GF!

There is a clear link with some cases of osteoporosis, scoliosis, epilepsy, IBS, learning disorders, (inc Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, & Autism) infertility, frequent headaches, miscarriages, premature birth, liver disease, neuorpathy, short stature, pernicious anemia (Vit B-12), hearing loss, ulcers, picky eating, cancer, thyroid problems, psychiatric & other brain disorders, ... the list goes on.

What about weight? Gluten sensitive/celiac folks can be heavy, too thin, or 'just right' about a third in each category. If you have weight you 'can't loose,' or are too thin, you may be gluten sensitive. You may be a normal weight, but feel crappy!
Do you have circles under your eyes, or poor skin tone & colour? You may experience chronic pain after a minor - or major injury that just doesn't seem to heal ...or have an eating disorder? Many such 'disorders' have been 'cured' when the sufferer goes Gluten Free!

A few years ago, my daughter, her husband & daughters did the genetic testing, (sent a sample to a TX lab) & since they all had 2 genes for Gluten Sensitivity, I knew I'd passed one on, & went Gluten free too. Her girls, now 6 & 11, are wonderful examples of dedication to STAYING Gluten Free, & we have noticed many improvements in health & general well being.

I don't regret going Gluten Free, & contrary to my well meaning friends, I don't miss eating gluten laden products, especially when they mention their mounting health problems & upcoming surgeries!

Things I've experienced:

* I lost 20# within the first year (extra post menopausal weight I thought I was 'stuck with!')
* My head stopped itching with a switch to GF shampoo etc as well (My daughter has Dermatitis herpetiformis, or adult acne - a celiac condition, which has cleared up)
* I rarely need a nap (though I still occasionally enjoy one)
* Slight numbness in my hands some mornings - that was becoming common, & is reversing.
* Increased mental clarity, & ability to focus on a task
* Less general anxiety (my daughter's severe anxiety was gone 1 week into being GF!)

In addition to eating gluten free all the time, no 'cheating' (if I accidentaly ingest some, my digestive enzymes help me cope with it), I eat fresh, mostly local OG food, & take a range of supplements which include a good multi, extra Magnesium & Vitamin D-3 (gluten interferes with the absorption of nutrients & fat soluable vitamins)

Good luck on your journey to gluten freedom!

Author's Bio: 

Nadya is a Massage Therapist & Harpist living in Western Oregon. Her interest in Health, fitness & Nutrition began in her teens. She has an organic garden & a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture, also OG), Qigong & Dance are her favorite forms of exercise.

Her website is