You are what you eat.” We have heard it again and again throughout our lives, but it is still very much true. The foods that we take into our bodies can have an effect on many aspects of our health, including our energy levels, our stress, and even our moods. If you are feeling extra irritable or down in the dumps, try some of these strategies to help yourself feel better – from the inside out.

·Eat foods rich in vitamin B12 and folic acid: B Vitamins have been shown to help the us to maintain a healthy emotional balance, and folic acid helps to defend our bodies against the effects of stress. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between depression and a deficiency in these vitamins. Foods that are high in vitamin B12 include shellfish, liver, beef, chicken, fish, and whole eggs. Some foods that are high in folic acid are liver, legumes, wholegrain breads, sweet potatoes, and spinach.

·Get your Omega-3s: Omega 3 fatty acids have innumerable health benefits. They are terrific for brain health in general, but have also been used to help treat depression. The best way to eat your Omega-3s is by consuming a good amount of fish. The fish that contain the highest amounts of omega-3 fatty acids are salmon, herring, rainbow trout, and tuna. Flaxseed is also a good natural source of omega-3’s, however it is not as well processed by the body as that found in fish.

·Get your vitamin D: Higher blood serum levels of vitamin D have been shown to help prevent PMS, depression, mood disorders, and seasonal affective disorder. Exposure to the sun for short periods of time is the ideal way to get vitamin D, but there are food sources as well. Some of these are fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel), cheese, egg yolks, and beef liver. Alternately, taking a daily supplement of vitamin d3 can be very beneficial.

·Grab a high protein snack: Your blood sugar can start to drop significantly within a couple hours after a meal. This can equal translate to hunger, exhaustion, and irritability. A great way to keep blood sugar from crashing to far is to make sure that you have a healthy snack between meals. It will keep you more energized, productive, and focused.

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Author's Bio: 

I am a weight loss consultant offering weight loss support to keep you motivated.Words of encouragement and affirmation that will help you become the best version of yourself