Anyone who doubts the power and effectiveness of e-mail marketing clearly isn’t getting the job done properly. Pound for pound, an effective e-mail marketing campaign can deliver a stronger and more consistent ROI than almost any comparable strategy.

It’s just that in order to succeed with e-mail marketing, you need to show your campaign and your customers a fair amount of TLC.

Taking a look at things from a 2019 perspective, here are five actionable yet effective ways of taking your e-mail marketing strategy to the next level:

1. Take Subject Lines More Seriously
First up, it’s worth remembering that we make most of our decisions regarding the value of an e-mail based on subject lines alone. Primarily because if the subject line doesn’t appeal to us, we don’t bother open it. Or if we do, we’re already unimpressed or unengaged. Limit your subject line to 6 - 10 words, communicate the primary benefit of the content and avoid rhetoric at all costs. Steer clear of capitals too - most recipients don’t appreciate being shouted at.

2. Use CTAs Strategically
As a rule of thumb, CTAs are most effective when incorporated in an FOMO strategy - aka ‘fear of missing out’. A good marketing email and accompanying CTA makes the reader believe that if they don’t take action, they’ll regret it. Not in a terrifying or life-affecting way, but more in the sense that they’ll miss out on something useful, valuable or important. Again, it’s also worth keeping your CTAs condensed to around five words at the most.

3. Leverage Transactional Emails
Transactional emails have extremely high open and read rates. As such, it simply makes sense to take advantage of them. Whether it’s confirmation of a recent purchase or an acknowledgement of any kind, this is the perfect opportunity to include additional messages. In addition, the fact that the recipient has already done business with you (to one extent or another) means you’ve already convinced them you’re a safe bet.

4. The Power of Personalisation
Personalising emails takes time and effort, which is precisely why far too many businesses don’t bother. This, despite the fact that even a touch of a personalisation can make all the difference with all types of emails. When an e-mail is generic, it’s difficult to take any real interest in it. When an email is directed at you and you alone, it’s difficult to ignore it.

5. Mobile Audience Prioritisation
Last up, don’t forget that the vast majority of the emails you send will (most probably) be accessed via mobile devices. It’s estimated that approximately 70% of all email opens and views take place via mobile, as opposed to desktop PCs and laptops. Hence, it’s important to ensure that your emails are scripted and presented appropriately for mobile devices. For obvious reasons, this means keeping written content concise, ensuring the links/buttons you include are easy to click and that you never include any material or attachments that aren’t mobile friendly.

Author's Bio: 

Chris Jenkinson works as an interim marketing director providing marketing support to businesses.