Fish oil can be sourced from various fish, such as mackerel, sardines, sharks and tuna. The body oil of these creatures is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which is a nutrient that's essential for a proper functioning human body.

The two basic methods you can ensure that your body gets sufficient quantities of omega 3 fatty acids is by including more omega 3 rich fish into your diet, or by taking fish oil supplements on a daily basis.

Eating the right kinds of fish every day would be a wonderful way to ensure sufficient supplies. But sadly this is no longer recommended. Government advice is to limit ourselves to just 2 portions per week of the very oily fish that we would benefit so greatly from. The reason is simply down to the level of pollution now affecting our oceans.

Fish oil supplements however, can (and most definitely should) be filtered to remove the heavy metals and other toxins from the oils.

This makes fish oil capsules an especially good way to get a sufficient amount of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are the most important fatty acids needed for a healthy body.

Fish Oil For Mother and Fetus

Although fish oil is very important for most people, it's especially important for pregnant women. This is because the brain of the fetus is formed during the first trimester (the initial three months of pregnancy) and since brain cells along with the central nervous system are largely composed of DHA, it's important that the fetus is provided with ample omega 3 fatty acids.

Furthermore, the essential fatty acids can also be in scarce supply for mothers during pregnancy because most of the omega 3 in the maternal body is channeled towards the fetus.

In order to accommodate the volumes needed for a healthy mother and fetus, Doctors now recommend pregnant woman should take a good quality fish oil supplement regularly throughout pregnancy.

Benefits Beyond Birth

An increased level of DHA and EPA in a pregnant woman's body has also been shown to decrease postpartum depression. This is in addition to a reduced risk of pre-eclampsia and to preventing pre-term delivery.

Fish Oil Recommendations

So although fish oil is essential for healthy development, it is no longer considered safe for pregnant women to have more than two servings of oily fish per week.

This is due to the fact that there are pretty high chances of the fish being contaminated by pollutants such as mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which then accumulate in the body. These are of course toxic, and in larger quantities can have serious implications for our health.

The easiest way to alleviate the risks is to follow health professionals advice and consume a daily supplement of filtered, clean fish oil in a capsule form.

Do not however confuse cod liver oil for an omega 3 rich fish oil supplement.

Before considering any kind of fish oil supplements, it's always advisable to consult your doctor to determine your specific needs.

Author's Bio: 

Pierce Holmford is an expert in health and nutrition. He passionately believes in the extraordinary benefits that can be gained from quality natural supplements. Visit his website now at 'Omega Three Benefits' to learn more.