By now you've probably heard about the many health benefits of fish oil capsules, including cardiovascular, mental and antiaging benefits. But do you often find yourself confused when it comes to making a decision about which fish oil supplement is the best for your health and your wallet? Here are the answers to two of the questions asked most frequently by people like yourself, who are searching for a top-quality omega-3 fatty acid supplement.

1. What can it do for me? Omega-3 supplements, particularly the ones that are very high in DHA and EPA, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids, have a proven track record and plenty of scientific studies backing up their many benefits on our health. The omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil are involved in so many processes in our bodies, that it would take a full-length essay to detail all the benefits.

In brief, high quality molecularly distilled EPA and DHA have been shown to boost brain function, alleviate depression, significantly reduce inflammation and inflammation markers (such as C-reactive protein) in the blood, and reduce the levels of several damaging blood parameters, including high triglycerides and high levels of homocysteine. DHA and EPA are also effective at increasing the good cholesterol, which protects us from cardiovascular decay and damage to the walls of our blood vessels.

2. How much do I have to take? This will depend on your reasons for taking it. If you're taking it as part of a program in preventative medicine or to generally boost your overall health, then taking two or three capsules daily of a high quality pharmaceutical grade of fish oil is all you need. Generally, manufacturers recommend a daily intake of between 650 mg of 1000 mg of EPA and DHA.

If your goal is to reach optimal levels, then you should know that severe scientists who have been studying our hunter-gatherer ancestors, have shown that the human body was made to take in several grams of the omega-3 fatty acids found in certain fatty fish every single day.

So, in the end it will depend on why you're taking it and what your goals are. Personally, I take a high-grade molecularly distilled fish oil everyday both for general health purposes, and because in the past I had suffered from soft tissue rheumatism, mild arthritis (as early as my 30's!) and mild to moderate depression. I find that for me the regular doses is adequate, and that when I feel a little down, have more stress in my life or have any problem with my health, I increase my intake for a few days and it usually makes me feel better.

Author's Bio: 

Sector rotator. Natural health and biophysics devotee. I enjoy mountaineering, baguazhang, learning interesting things and the music of Piazzolla.

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