In Martha Beck's book, Finding Your North Star, she discusses the concept of the essential self. Your essential self is the calm, peaceful, wise you who knows exactly what you need in every moment of your life. When you feel flashes of intuition, you are hearing the voice of your essential self. When you get a gut feeling, your essential self is communicating with you. Your essential self is in harmony with everything and will always tell you what is right for you.
If you're listening, that is.
All of the panic, fear, anxiety, anger, and depression surrounding your health issues do a fantastic job of blocking the communication between you and your essential self. To communicate with her again, you need to discover the thoughts behind all of your feelings. Those thoughts (remember the Thought Log?) are in your head making a lot of noise. You can't hear your essential self through all that ruckus. All you hear is, "I'll never get over this," "I can't stand this anymore," "everyone else gets to have a normal sex life and I don't," and on and on and on.
The amazing, awesome essential self is a major key to your return to health. You absolutely want to contact her, because she is very wise. In Finding Your North Star, Martha shows you how to access her so you can discover your true purpose in life. For those of us with health issues, your essential self takes on a new persona. I like to call her your Inner Healer.
Your Inner Healer, when she can be heard, will tell you what is right for you every step of the way through your medical crisis. She will tell you when a doctor is not the right doctor for you and when you've found the exact doctor you need to see. She will tell you whether or not the medication you're considering is really something you want to try or not. She will tell you what alternative medicine avenues are right for you. She will tell you what you need to do on your own to help yourself heal. She is a genius. But she has a very soft voice - probably because it's hoarse from trying to shout over the noise of all those panic-creating thoughts.
The fastest way to talk to your Inner Healer is to enter that relaxed state of being in which you watch your breath and remain very quiet. As you quiet your mind, releasing your hold on your thoughts, and focus on your breath, you will start to feel an inner calm. Stay in the breath until you feel this - it may feel like a floating sensation or just a very relaxed quiet. It might help to take any thoughts that pop in your head and imagine them scrolling across a page and then disappearing. Don't panic if you don't hear any messages or don't have any flashes of intuition. Simply keep returning to this place as often as you can. Soon, you will feel moments of knowledge - you will just know what is right for you. Very peaceful yet insistent ideas will float into your head. Sometimes these happen during the meditative state, and other times they just happen randomly. I often hear my Inner Healer the most right at the end of a meditative session. See if you can meet your inner healer and start the flow of communication today.
Abigail Steidley is a Mind-Body Coach and mind-body-spirit healing expert. She works with clients throughout the US and Europe, teaching mind-body tools to create health and spiritual connection. She is the founder and owner of The Healthy Life, LLC and author of the audio course The Healthy Mind Toolbox: Essential Tools for Creating Your Healthy Life. Her current coaching practice also includes training mind-body coaches in the specific mind-body tools that help clients lose weight, de-stress, relieve pain, and create a deep, lasting connection between mind, body, and spirit. She works with and teaches a variety of healers, applying mind-body-spirit connection techniques, to help them stay healthy, sane, and productive in their own lives and enabling them to effectively serve others and prosper. She can be reached at
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