About 50 years ago, scientists first noticed that people in Greece and other Mediterranean countries had heart disease rates that were a fraction of those for people in the United States. Was it the wine they drank? The produce they ate? All that exercise going up and down hills? The answer to each of these questions was yes; but there was something else. Olive oil, it turns out, can almost literally turn back the clock on disability and disease.

If one is suffering from a cold, make a chest rub to use by adding three or four drops of herbal oil (try eucalyptus, lavender, or thyme) to 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Apply it liberally to your chest, cover with a clean cloth, and settle into a comfy chair with a cozy afghan and a good book.

Not only can one fight a cold using olive oil, a daily splash or two of olive oil will help keep your mind healthier. An Italian study of diet and cognitive decline found that cognitive impairment was less common among elderly people who ate a Mediterranean diet, which includes lots of olive oil, a monounsaturated fat. As their “healthy fat” intake increased, their risk of memory problems declined.

(Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, just someone who is an avid reader and likes to share knowledge, personal as well as researched by others.)

I live with, ‘photophobia’, a visual processing disorder, which is easily misdiagnosed as ‘dyslexia,’ and that’s why I wrote the book, “My Curly Hair Self: Living with a Visual Processing Disorder.” Now, I do live with glaucoma, but someone not diagnosed with glaucoma, can also have photophobia (a medical condition which falls under the category of physical disability) and that’s why my book is so important for those individuals who have trouble with reading, writing, or looking at a Smartboard.

Author's Bio: 

I’m the author of, “My Curly Hair Self: Living with a Visual Processing Disorder.
I love having curly hair. I love taking care of it. But I don’t like having to live with glaucoma. It’s a constant reminder that someday I may go blind. Recently I discovered there could be a connection between hair growth and glaucoma. It just might, since I lived with glaucoma and my hair took a long time to grow. It never grew pass my shoulders, while growing up. My story is not just about hair, or having glaucoma, but also learning to live with a visual processing disorder or otherwise called, 'photophobia.'