Fear of Public Speaking, Pt. II – Breathing Techniques
In Pt. I of this series I went over a number of tips and tactics to deal with the fear of public speaking. One of the tactics was breathing, which sounds so simple, and is often anything but the night before, or the hour before, you are to give a speech or presentation.

Today will focus 0n a few of my favorite breathing techniques to use prior to presenting or giving a speech:

1. Three Deep Belly Breaths – Sounds like what it is. Slowly inhale through the nose for a count of 5-15 (15 is optimal). Keep one hand on your diaphragm and feel it enlarge as you inhale. Hold for 5-10 seconds, and then exhale through your mouth slowly, again for a count of 5-15 seconds (15 is optimal). Repeat three times. This is awesome for the few minutes before you are actually going to be speaking. Immediately relaxing.

2. Ujjaiy Breathing - Also known as Oceanic or Victorious Breathing – it is awesome. It is a yogic breathing technique I first learned from struggling through Vinyasa yoga classes with Nicole, and now practice for 5-10 minutes every day. Similar to deep belly breathing, however this time the mouth stays closed the entire time. The best way to learn how is to watch demonstrations – here, here and here.

3. Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique (my favorite) – All you need for this is your thumb, your pinkie finger, and your nose (sounds like the start of a bad joke!). To begin, simply cover your left nostril with your left thumb, and slowly and deeply inhale for 5 seconds to start (10 is optimal). Then immediately cover your right nostril with your left pinkie finger, while keeping your left nostril pressed closed – at all times your mouth is closed as well, so at this point you are essentially holding your breathe. Again, hold for 5 seconds (10 is optimal). Then remove your left thumb from your left nostril and slowly exhale for a 10 count. Wait two seconds and repeat the same technique, inhaling through your left nostril as your right nostril is still closed, etc. I usually do 10-15 rounds of this every day, and the feeling is amazing, and very relaxing.

While not “cures”, these techniques all do a good job of reducing public speaking anxiety and fear associated with public speaking. Again, while there are no “cures” (and don’t believe anyone who tells you there are!) there are techniques and strategies to alleviate public speaking fear. Stay tuned for Pt. III…

Author's Bio: 

For over 15 years, Matt Eventoff has served as a communication and messaging strategist for C-level executives in organizations ranging in size from startups to Fortune 100 firms, political leaders, nationally- recognized litigators, public figures and leaders from myriad other industries. He has trained clients throughout the United States, as well as Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Central America and Asia.

Matt’s specialties include communication training, message development and training, communication strategy and media training. He is regarded as an expert in determining an individual’s communication intangibles – verbal, non-verbal and messaging strengths and weaknesses – and creating an effective customized communication system that works in any situation.

Matt has successfully prepared clients to appear before almost every audience and in multiple venues, including: the United States Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, State and Federal courts, corporate settings ranging in size from small board meetings to interviews on the floor of the NYSE and on nearly every network and major cable news program, including 60 Minutes, 20/20, Nightline, Dateline, Frontline, Hardball, and Good Morning America. He is regularly retained by prominent litigators for his ability to identify key messages that have led to multi-million dollar settlements.

He is a frequent lecturer on crisis communications, public speaking and interacting with the media at colleges and universities — including MBA programs at Wharton, Rutgers University and Notre Dame, as well as undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of Maryland, Rutgers University, University of Pennsylvania, Notre Dame and Academy of Science in Ukraine. Matt also teaches “Legal Crises: Preparing & Dealing with the Unexpected” accredited by the Supreme Court of New Jersey’s Board of Continuing Legal Education (CLE 2 credits).

Matt is frequently cited by leading publications and news outlets on issues related to communication, including U.S. News & World Report, BusinessWeek, Bloomberg, The Associated Press, BBC, Newsweek, The (U.K.) Guardian, E! Online, The Boston Globe, Dallas Morning News, NY Daily News and The Washington Post, among others.