Hamm…. This is what is troubling you for quite a while now. You are in an extra marital web and fully entangled and there seems no way out. You are also wary of the fact that entering into this kind of relationship will devastate your family but the extra bond is becoming stronger day by day and it is getting hard to break. It is your belief that there is no solution to this puzzle and the cross road on which you are right now is such that heading in any direction will not bring an effective solution to your problem and the mayhem in you will continue. May be you are facing these problems.
• Your spouse is getting a hint of your association and you want to bring an end to the extra bond.
• It can also be a possibility that there may be nothing between you and anyone and your spouse and friends are trying and making a hill out of a mole.
• The other possibility can be that your job needs more involvement with people of opposite sex and this makes your spouse suspicious.
• Your spouse has a nagging habit of suspecting and doubting.
• There is something in you who are turning you to become flirtier and there has been a sudden rise of urge in entangling yourself with someone.
Now believe that your planetary position and Dasha (period) and Gochar (transit) is making you do so. Get yourself evaluated astrologically so that the extreme points could be ascertained. This help in planning a suitable remedial measure so that you stop and recover back. ASTROLOGY ‘S MAIN JOB IS TO SAVE YOU FROM PUBLIC HUMILIATION AND DISGRACE if there is any.
1. There are so many reasons for extra-marital affairs. Wondering, what would be the cause? An even couple who seems happy in marital life has extra marital affairs. Why? What do you think would be the cause for extra marital affairs? Well it is very difficult to just pin point a single cause for any extramarital affair. The causes are multiple and complex. Extramarital affairs have been prevalent in our society for a long time. The only difference is that now they are being talked about more openly and frankly. The reasons could be diversified such as incompatibility, financial issues, insecurity, abusing, tangentially opposite backgrounds, age differences etc.
2. The present day work culture and the current upward trend in social interactions also aid in nourishing them. Values like commitment are being replaced by 'experimenting’. It’s a very sorry state and needs to be analysed and looked into. In India the problem of extra marital relationship is less when compared to other Countries. The main reason for male or female to have extra marital relationship is that they are not happy with the marriage. In India generally marriages are arranged. The bride or bride groom have no much says in choosing their life partners. Parents of bride and bride groom decide the marriage looking at the caste, sub caste, family status, Dowry etc. The boy or the girl has very little say in putting forth their preferences and liking about the partners. After the marriage they find adjustment problems like the girl is not compatible with the boy or the boy is not compatible with the girl. Even though the couples have misunderstandings they are forced to hide their misunderstandings due to the fear of parents, family, relatives and the Society as a whole. Therefore they resort to extra marital relationship to meet their unfulfilled desires.
Extra marital affairs are happening because of the frustration with the partner. If the partner is unable to satisfy (Can be Monetary, Sexual or Materialistic requirements) then he/she has more chances of getting involved in extra marital affairs. I don’t agree to the point that extra marital affairs are very less in India. The fact is that in India, the extra marital affairs are not exposed publicly because of the fear towards the society. The extra marital affairs can occur both in arranged marriages and love marriages. This is just because they haven’t understood each other before the marriage.
Vedic Astrology finds out some points from the practical situation
• Happiness in the conjugal life is depending on the mentally and physically both side. If the both sides are not matching between husband and wife that time partner can be interested on extra marital affairs.
• Another great issue is age difference between husband and wife.
• Lot of husbands are passing their full day with professional works even after evening passing time with friend’s circle and coming back to wife around late night. Maximum time he is getting tired and not sharing with his wife and result is coming extra marital affair.
• This can be controlled if we learn to keep control on our feelings, share our views, expectations with our life partner.
• Ego of spouse:
• Revenge
• Every person has different habitat, and after marriage there is problem in adjusting according to each other, which is really difficult for a woman. If they do not understand each other’s willing and emotions will lead to affair.
• Inter religion or inter caste marriage:
• Sexual Desire.
• Lack of attraction between husband and wife.
• Circumstances in life sometimes serve as a cruel agent to place people in strange situations. And people with lesser will power gets attracted to 'the other’, and extra marital affair happens.
• Everyone needs a friend, or we should say an attentive ear to listen to our heart. If husband or wife does not find that lending ear in their spouse and finds it elsewhere, then extra marital affair happens.
• Misunderstanding between couples. Even though if it is an arranged or love marriage they should come to the end of adjustment and sacrifice.
• Unless doing that they start showing their egos, anger, etc. Which may lead to dissatisfaction among them and find new one is better for their life.
However extramarital affairs can be minimised if parents bring their children imparting in their minds about the importance of moral values and ethics .Then comes the role of teachers, friends and colleagues. However the foundation laid by the parents is vital for the superstructure being built up by teachers, friends etc., Children should be guarded against evil sources. One should respect his conscience and act accordingly.
Marriage is one of the most important decisions of life. Marriage is not just about love… it is about giving sharing, sacrifices, adjustments, in-laws, and babies! Marriage is an association of two persons of opposite sex to live together and bring up a family a world of their own.
Do you wonder whether you will have a compatible and happy marital life? Do you enjoy complete marital Bliss? If you want to know the ups and downs of your marital life or best or worst time of your marital life choose Vedic Astrologer who could help you to identify the good and bad phases of your life and if you provide details of your spouse also, an astrologer can then co-relate both the horoscope and thus reveal areas of affinity and discord between two of you and give an overall view so that you can enjoy the good times & overcome your bad times.
For giving you best possible services it suggests unique remedial measures to solve your marriage related problems. Due care is taken while analysing your horoscope and suggesting unique and usually inexpensive remedies in solving all kinds of marital problems. Its remedies are completely safe and give the desired results.
Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena “Bhagya Samhita wale” is a well known indian Vedic Astrologer Horoscope reader and Vastu expert and provides best vedic astrology solutions, vastu remedies, astrology forecast, Horoscope matching and other astrological solutions
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