Exercise, A New Beginning
By Paul Sims

For those of you who exercise and are wondering why you aren’t getting the results, it’s time for you to change what you are doing. For those of you who don’t exercise it’s time to start. In this article we will cover what, when, why and how of a new beginning through exercise.

 What: The type of exercise I’m presenting to you is the kind that makes you stronger and faster. This would be strength training: working with free weights and machines. This is full body training. You will be putting all the major muscles into play, or work, in this case. This is real scientific bodybuilding, also known as anaerobic training. Yes, it is weightlifting.

 When: The time to start is now. This will not be a big time investment for you. You can do what must be done in as little as two to three hours a week.

 Why: It all starts with strength training. A stronger body that is in balance will improve your health. Much research has been pointing in the direction of lifting weights for health. We hear something new every few weeks about the benefits of weight training. It wasn’t like that 20 years ago.
 Use it or loose it. Why should your body stay strong and keep muscle mass if it doesn’t need it? The reason you are lifting weights is to keep the demand on the body to maintain and build muscle. Sounds simple, but the body needs that demand placed upon it, and it needs it often enough.

 How: Well, it would take a whole book, and I still couldn’t teach it all. So I will suggest a book that would be a great start. The name of the book is “Braun’ by Stuart McRobert. I wish I could recommend a DVD that shows the exercises in proper form but most DVDs are dedicated to performing a particular routine rather than getting into each exercise in detail. You can search specific exercises on Youtube and see how they are done. A word of warning here. Many will be executed improperly. Sorry. A good way to go would be a few sessions with an experienced personal trainer. Also, a word of caution. If the trainer on your first session pulls out the kettle bells, balance boards, Swiss balls and Bosu you can start your exercise training program by running out of there. You want a trainer who is going to teach you the basics of how to handle barbells and dumbbells in proper form.

So exercise a new beginning by rebuilding a new you.

Author's Bio: 

Paul Sims is a personal fitness trainer certified by the American Council on Exercise; he is also co-host of the John Boos One on One Fitness Show heard on 105.3 Sundays at 6:45 AM. Contact Paul at 516-815-5735 www. simsfitness.com