Most people fear change. No matter how much you are aware of and talk about making a change in your life usually because of the undercurrent of fear it is not done.

The intent of the Emotional Exercise that I will write about and the Assignment given is to push you beyond the limiting fear. You can rule the world. You can live your dreams. You can climb any obstacle. You can live the best life ever!

You cannot talk yourself out of what you behave yourself into

Talk just will NOT do it. It takes emotional exercise (action) to change behavior. The reason why I am attaching emotion to exercise is because it takes the two together to modify behavior and outlook. One without the other is futile; exercise without emotion often becomes a faded dream that eventually dissipates into a vague longing which eventually becomes a mark of disappointment. The pile on of one disappointment after another is the primary reason most people just give up and retreat to just repetitive sad talk about change.

You can change and be a better person. You can change and connect without fear. You can have the emotional freedom you desire. It takes personal accountability, seeing and feeling your mind power, emotional energy, patience, and potent joy.

Use Emotional Exercise to create new behavior

Here is your Emotional Exercise 1 for today:

Clear all, I really mean ALL distractions for 30 minutes. No computer, no cell phone, no telephone, no handheld device, no smartphone, no email, no television-NOTHING for 30 minutes. If you find you are having difficulty doing this for 30 minutes – leave the page. You do not want to change. You are not ready to change. More power to you. But, if you are willing to invest 30 minutes to refine a new you, then take the next step.
Get a piece of paper or go to a clean page in your journal. Write. That’s all you are required to do for thirty minutes. Write free-form, no editing, no thinking about polite words, put your sanitized mind to rest for 30 minutes and just write in random form whatever comes to your mind. Write everything, anything you want to write.
Write in longhand a stream of consciousness musing. Write what is in your mind. No filters. No judgment. No wrong or right words. Just write words. Describe you. Write.

Breathe. Write and breathe in the freshness of putting onto paper everything you can imagine about you, your life, your outcomes, your behavior for the next six months to a year
Take deep breaths, let the words you are writing go deep within-no judgement, no cynicism, no doubt or fear. Just breathe in refreshing, restorative air and write for 30 minutes.

Feel your words. No judgment, no doubt, no reservations here. JUST FEEL! No censors.
Stop. When you have reached 30 minutes – STOP. Be disciplined here-stop. Fold your paper and put it away. Do NOT read what you wrote. Fold your page in the journal or fold the sheet of paper you wrote on and put it away. No discussion. Nothing. File your page away in a safe place where only you will see it when you get to Emotional Exercise 2.
You are done for the day – feel good about that!
This first imprint Emotional Exercise is complete. It is your pivot step to behavior change.

I am proud of what you have done today. Look for Emotional Exercise 2 tomorrow. We will build upon this exercise to strengthen your behavior change.

Thank you for your trust and inner courage.

Author's Bio: 

Anita Jefferson ( offers Emotional Exercise 1 as a first step process to gain insight into what you can magnify and illumine as your best self.