Sudden sweats, reddened skin, sweaty pillows: hot flashes are among the typical complaints that women have to struggle with during menopause. But how can you get the annoying heat surges under control without hormone replacement therapy? These are the most effective home remedies.
Here at KŰLKUF, we have come up with a technology that can naturally lower your body temperature. Try wearing a KÜLKUF wristband and simply push a button whenever you feel a hot flash coming. The automatic five-minute on/off timer will also come in handy when using the device for night sweats
Here you can learn more about Hot Flash Relief.
Why do menopausal women have hot flashes?
So far there has not been any scientific research into why women often suffer from hot flashes during menopause. The sudden bursts of heat are probably related to the falling estrogen level during menopause: When the body cuts down the production of female sex hormones, a hormonal imbalance occurs, which causes a malfunction of the temperature center in the brain. The body then perceives the ambient temperature as colder than it is - and reacts with heat and uncontrollable sweats.
Hot flashes in menopause: these are the symptoms
Women experience hot flashes particularly often at the beginning of menopause with two to 30 attacks per day, which can last a few minutes, but sometimes up to an hour. When the blood vessels widen and the outer body regions are better supplied with blood, so-called flying heat is created, which suddenly and without physical exertion rises in the upper body, neck, and face area. This leads to visible reddening of the skin, an accelerated heartbeat, and sweating, which can sometimes be so severe that you have to change your soaked clothes. After a hot flash, many women feel physically exhausted and freeze or shiver.
What helps against hot flashes?
Sudden heat surges during menopause are annoying and can seriously affect everyday life, but in most cases, they can be managed well without hormone replacement therapy (HRT). If you want to refrain from regularly taking artificial hormones or from treatment with hormone patches or gels, you can declare war on hot flashes with the following natural remedies.
Natural help against hot flashes during menopause
The right clothes
To avoid sweat stains and unpleasant smells, you should prefer clothing made of natural fibers such as cotton or linen during menopause. Synthetic fibers are not very breathable and would only increase sweating.
If you have a hot flush, it is also useful to be able to take off a layer of clothing without standing in your bra. The “ onion principle ” is recommended: Put on several, breathable layers on top of each other - like underwear, for example, a light cotton top, over it a thin shirt, and as the outermost layer a light sweater or cardigan. If you are regularly hit by heatwaves at work or on the go, it is also advisable to always have a fresh, interchangeable top with you so that you can change clothes quickly if necessary.
Many women experience sudden sweats, particularly at night. Always ventilate your bedroom well before going to bed and make sure that the room temperature is pleasantly cool (approx. 18 degrees). For pajamas or nightgowns, you should also use breathable materials such as cotton.
Do sports regularly
Anyone who regularly sweats while exercising strengthens the cardiovascular system stabilizes blood pressure and, last but not least, also relieves hot flashes: Endurance sports such as jogging, walking, or swimming in particular help keep the temperature regulation in the brain in balance and sudden sweats effectively mitigate.
Conscious nutrition
Eating a balanced diet with lots of plant-based, high-fiber foods will help relieve hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms naturally. Be careful with extremely hot or spicy foods - they can make hot flashes worse. The same applies to beverages containing caffeine, such as coffee or cola, as well as alcohol, which you should only drink in moderation, even during menopause.
The most important nutritional rules for women 40plus: Put fresh fruit, vegetables, and salad as the main component of your meals and reduce animal fats from sausage, meat, cheese, cream, or butter. High-quality protein suppliers include lean turkey or beef, fish, lentils, peas, and other legumes. Prefer whole grain products - they fill you up longer than white flour products and provide valuable vitamins and digestive fiber. Satisfy your craving for sweets instead of chocolate and cakes with dried fruit, bananas, or other sweet fruits. You should also drink around two liters of liquid per day in the form of water, juice spritzers, or unsweetened herbal and fruit teas.
Alternating hot and cold showers
Alternating showers train the blood vessels and support the body's heat regulation. Start the day with an alternating shower, in which you alternately run warm and cold water over your body and finish the application with cold water. During the day, you can also alternately run warm and cold jets of water over your upper arms. Also helpful: cold-blooded foot baths.
Train serenity
Even if your everyday life is hectic: Practice serenity. Because stress can trigger or intensify hot flashes. Relaxation exercises such as meditation, autogenic training, or progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce the regularity or intensity of sweats. Yoga also contributes to reducing stress and more serenity - and also promotes flexibility and body control. Hormone yoga ensures more vitality and balance, especially during
menopause: the yoga style developed by the Brazilian Dinah Rodrigues combines elements from different yoga directions, all of which have a targeted effect on the ovaries, thyroid, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands. In this way, the hormonal system should be balanced and typical menopausal symptoms should be positively influenced.
Herbal helpers against hot flashes
These herbal medications can reduce hot flashes and help cool the body naturally.
Black cohosh: The extracts from the rhizome of this plant have estrogen-like properties, which are said to have a positive effect on hot flashes and night sweats in particular.
Sage: The medicinal plant has an astringent, antiperspirant effect and, in addition to essential oils, also contains flavonoids, which protect against harmful environmental influences. For a sage tea cure against sweating, drink two cups of freshly brewed sage tea daily for three to four weeks, spread over the day. To treat acute sweats, you can alternatively use ready-made preparations in capsule form or as a liquid tincture.
Monk's pepper: The herbal preparation helps regulate the hormonal balance and soothes typical menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes.
Red clover: The gynecological herb, which you can take as a tea or in capsule form, contains a particularly high amount of isoflavones - plant-based estrogens that regulate the hormonal balance during menopause and have a positive effect, especially in hot flashes.
Soy: Soybeans are also rich in plant estrogens (phytoestrogens), which can have a positive effect on hot flashes. Regularly put soy products such as tofu, seitan, and co. On the menu as a meat substitute. The amount of soy-based food supplements should not exceed 100 mg per day and the preparations should not be taken for longer than ten months.
Hot flashes: when do I have to see a doctor?
During menopause, hot flashes do not usually occur in isolation, but in conjunction with other unpleasant complaints such as sleep disorders, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and loss of libido. If the heat surges cannot be brought under control with natural means and are so severe that they have a decisive impact on everyday life and quality of life, you should ask a doctor for advice. In addition to herbal preparations, there are now gentle alternatives to “classic” hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that are based on bioidentical hormones and can be tailored to the patient.
If menopause cannot be the reason for your hot flashes because of your age, you should also consult a doctor: Conditions such as an underactive thyroid, diabetes, or tumors can also be the cause of sudden sweats.
Rakib is a freelance writer and proofreader. Writing is his passion, fashion, and obsession.
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