When you look at the animal world you will notice that herbivores spend most, if not all of their time eating.

Eat, eat, eat, is pretty much all that they do. It's seems a full-time job for them plus overtime and it reduces their lives to the lot of cud-chewing ravenous eating machines who's appetites are apparently insatiable.

Predators on the other hand are not always eating and sometimes all they seem to do is lay about loafing, playing, and maybe just enjoying the weather.

And you might wonder at this difference in lifestyle and apparent leisure time that there is good reason for it, and there is, it's called protein.

Plant based protein is far inferior to meat in amino acid completeness, digestibility, and in the raw percentage of protein, and that is a well documented fact. So why would someone willingly chose to consume an inferior source of nutrients?

All important structures in the body are primarily proteins. Vitamins and minerals are merely small activator molecules attached to large platforms of protein structure. All of your callagenic structure;

·hair and nails

·ligaments and tendons

·skeletal muscle

·cardiac muscle

·internal organs

...are all mostly protein and of course water. All the machinery inside the living cell is fundamentally made up of various proteins in an aqueous environment and that is what makes you alive, this is called the protein machinery of life!

All the proteins in your body are made up of just 20 different amino acids and depending upon definition 7 or 9 are classified as essential.This means that the body cannot at all or has a difficult time producing them itself. Essential amino acids must be obtained through diet, and this indicates the completeness factor of food source for protein. A protein food source is considered complete if it contains all 20 amino acids.

Beef, stong and robust looking people are called 'Beefy', and it's not a coincidence. It is the most expensive common meat available and it's price reflects the fact that it contains about 50% more protein than chicken or pork. The cost is 50% higher as a result, and people instictively pay more for higher protein foods. A 100 grams serving of beef is 30% protein while chicken, pork, and fish is about only 20% protein.

A side from the complete 20 amino acids meat also has an abundance of other nutrients deficient in plant foods like L-Carnitine, L- Carnosine, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, and Vitamin B-12 and others all of which have very critical biological roles within the body including fat metabolism.

Growth, repair, and maintenance cannot be carried out unless enough of the required amino acids are present. The proteins denature with time and as they do they must be replaced. Aging is a deterioration of protein structures;

·the skeletal muscle wanes

·callagen diminishes and you become saggy and wrinkly

·internal organs become weaker and smaller

Poor protein intake agrivegates this deterioration both directly and indirectly.

The work of Gerald Pollack, from the University of Washington, indicates that most of the exposed interior of the cell is hydrophilic(water-loving) and naturally creates a highly charged environment of structured water within. If you are not at the right level of cytoplasmic protein because of dietary deficiencies then you are lacking the single greatest contributor of 'structured water' in your body, proteins. So your health will be doubly compromised!

velis et remis


Energy Medicine and Health


Author's Bio: 

I've been a big health seeker and sometimes a big health haver.