Does Masturbation Increase Penis Size: Will Masturbating Increase My Penis Size

The biggest question on the table today in most forms and across the world is does masturbation increase penis size? Obviously masturbation does temporarily increase penis size so the answer to that question, on the surface, is a firm 'yes.' What masturbation does is stimulate and simulate every aspect of a sexual episode, except, the art of sex with a partner. Many can argue that masturbation is sex and that can be argued till the proverbial 'cows come home' yet the main point about masturbation is that it is a simulation of the sexual episode and not the actual sexual act.

The goal is to not make this any more confusing than it already is, so let's get down to brass tacks. Excessive masturbation has been shown to wear down the bioelectrical impulses that initiate and sustain a male's penis. By masturbating too much, research has shown that a penis will actually decrease and this is going the opposite direction of which way you want to go, to get bigger!

What can you do to make your penis bigger? Is it possible to increase the size of your penis?

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Over stimulation of Penis during Masturbation is not Recommended

The age-old question of over-stimulating through masturbation the penis is a definite no-no! The reasons for this are simple, as a male who is masturbating at the rate of more than three times a week is over stimulating everything that is involved for increasing the size of the penis. This means that you are doing everything you can to 'not grow' the size of the current penis and you should stop right away. This is not meant to be seen as mean-spirited or angry; this is just a fact of masturbation that should be well-known. This is also not to state that masturbation is a bad maneuver as it does have its infinite qualities as well.

Penile Skin is Important to Keep Healthy

This is only to say that as a frequent masturbator myself, I was just as shocked as many of you reading this right now, in hearing that masturbation, excessively, was actually declining the size and girth of my penis! This man and researcher of male genitalia information is still a bit taken aback by this information and am learning right along with the rest of you guys. What over stimulation of the penis does is eventually decrease the entire body's ability to make the penis stiff upon command. The body produces Nitric Oxide and as earlier stated, is an important naturally occurring chemical-process in the body for hardness and stimulatory-reaction in the genitalia area of males.

With that said it is important to realize that any time an area of the body is excessively used over and over again, especially an area as complex and emotionally charged as a man's penis, that area can become exhausted to the point of noncompliance. That is not what we want here, what we desire here is a relaxing and all-natural method of exercise and proper nutrition and a good mental attitude, that will lead to a larger penis, with more girth.

Abrasions are bad for the Skin of the Penis and Hardening Attempts

With frequent masturbation, especially when done with no-lubricant or a nonworking lubricant, comes devastation to the sides of the penis. Think about this for a minute, if you will, physical pain, especially in the genitalia region of a male, sparks a resistance to continuing that movement, pleasure-related or not. We have all experienced this at least once in our lives, either from the lack of lubricants to overuse during masturbation episodes, down to the roughness of our hands. In some way shape or form, we have all experienced abrasions on the sides of our penis, which have slowed down or even halted masturbation or a sexual act of love making. Since abrasions are bad for the penis and a goal of increasing the size of the penis will be limited to the health and flexibility of the skin of the penis, it is important to cut back on masturbation.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover the never-failing method for naturally enlarging penis size and turning into a "sex icon" for women. The secret you'll learn that you probably don't know yet is the difference between a disappointing sex life, combined with the shame, frustration and doubt, and the complete satisfaction you feel when you know you can IGNITE the most intense emotions and stimulate the HOTTEST fantasies of a woman with only that big and long package that bulges in your pants. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here!

Penis size is a source of frustration for many men and many couples. It can be difficult to carry on a successful relationship if you can't completely satisfy your partner and inadequate penis size can be horribly detrimental to a man's self-esteem and general mental health. Fortunately there are real methods of enlargement which work today so let's take a look at the four options available to men and rate each one individually in this penis enlargement what works article.

First, surgery is an expensive but completely reliable method of penis enlargement what works by a medical procedure in which the surgeon brings more of the penis to the outside of the body by releasing a ligament so that more of it is able to protrude out words. This can be completely safe and on average men experience anywhere from one to two inches in extra length, but the cost of anywhere from $5000-$10000 obviously limits its availability to many men.

Tired of having small penis? WANT TO MAKE IT BIGGER IN JUST 4 WEEKS? I increased the size of my penis by 2 inches using only my hands and I will show you how.

Penis weights aren't popular as they used to be but is still practiced in some areas. This is a penis enlargement method what works by attaching special devices and weights to your penis to gently stretch it out over time and while this can increase the size of the penis and has been proven to work in some cases, at the same time you pose yourself to the risk of erectile dysfunction, impotency, and nerve damage. Virtually any medical professional you will talk to will strongly warn against it as a result.

I've gotten a lot of questions as to my feelings on penis enlargement supplements whether they be pills or patches for increasing your size. My feelings are independent of the fact that they plain don't work. The Federal Trade Commission has taken down a number of the most powerful of these companies in the past few years for not backing up their claims with real results and basing their business models on many multimillion dollar sugar pills. Don't waste your time or money.

Finally, penis exercises are a method of penis enlargement what works in the same theoretical manner which the pills and patches claim to do. Only instead of magical ingredients increasing the amount of blood which your penis can hold, you perform exercises to force more blood to these chambers and tissues so that you experience larger sizes both when flaccid and erect. This is a safe and can be a very effective method if done correctly but you can't expect to just start yanking here and there and expect results, there are a number of guides which are devoted entirely to teaching out the correct way to perform these exercises.

Tips: Penis size DOES MATTER when it comes to sex. The majority of women would prefer their man had a bigger, longer and stronger penis and give them sensational and explosive sex. To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis you should have a complete natural penis enlargement exercises workout. You can try the most reliable award winning exercises program to help enlarge your size in just a matter of weeks. You will be amazed as your woman won't stop thanking you for the whole night with strong orgasm. You can do it at home by just using your hands. Find out now: Click Here!

Many men are understandably obsessed with their penis size and perhaps feel that they are partially or completely inadequate in that respect. Worst of all, maybe their partner has told them that they are lacking in size which can cause deep and serious psychological trauma. Not to fret, however, as there are truly responsive ways to increase your penis size available to men today, so let's look at the 3 best penis enlargement techniques.

First of all, it should be made clear that not one of the best penis enlargement techniques which yields actual results entails using supplements, patches, or any kind of pill. Most men have the sense to steer clear of these "miracle cures", but the idea of a magical pill which can solve your problem is too good to overlook and ignore for many others. These supplements claim to work by containing ingredients which increase your penis size and promote local penis growth. That alone should tip you off, and for most of the larger companies the FTC has stepped in and sued a lot of them for not backing up their claims with results.

EXPOSED: How To Increase Your Penis Size Naturally Without Surgery, Pills, Suction Devices Or Crazy Contraptions!

Penis weights in the past were thought to be the best penis enlargement techniques. Its origins trace all the way back to thousands of years when tribesmen would attach crude weights to their reproductive organs with the aim being to stretch it out and give it a larger appearance over time. Today there are more sophisticated methods for gently stretching out the penis over time. This comes with a massive disclaimer, however, as many men who engage in any form of penis stretching cause themselves impotence the nerve damage and erectile dysfunction, oftentimes for life. This is why this method is not typically as discussed any longer today and you'll find is warned against by most medical professionals.

Penis exercises are a relatively newer method but have quickly become one of the best penis enlargement techniques and work by increasing the blood flow and capacity within the chambers and tissue of the penis. Incidentally, this is the same method which the penis supplements claim to use, only through natural ingredients which stimulate the chambers and tissues in this way.

Using a full workout regiment to target different parts of the penis, men are able to realize their true size potential or in other words capacity which the penis is able to hold in blood so that the men who perform them realize larger results both when flaccid and when fully erect.

If you wish to learn the most effective but above all the most intelligent way to enlarge your penis without wasting time on amateur techniques, then Click Here!

It's true... You can enlarge your penis using just a few simple exercises and techniques! All it takes is a few minutes a day, and the results are permanent. It may sound hard to believe, but it really does work! These methods are 100% Natural. No pumps, pills, magic devices or silly gadgets, and definitely no surgery. To find out more visit: Increase Penis Size

Penis size is a topic of frustration for many men. There are about four different ways now to increase penis size available today, so this guide to penis enlargement is going to explain and give a final recommendation on each as suggested.

Penis supplements and patches are the first method in this guide to penis enlargement and are likely the most talked about and controversial way to increase your penis size. Both pills and the patches claim to contain ingredients which are all natural and able to stimulate local penis growth. The patches claim to cause the absorption of these ingredients through the topical application of the patch which go through your bloodstream and are carried that way. They claim to release these ingredients when they are broken down in the body.

The idea of a magical pill or patch does sound a bit far-fetched for increasing penis size just that easily and it is too good to be true in this case as none of these brands have shown any evidence of actually increasing penis size and the FDA has attacked many of these companies for faulty claims, explaining why you rarely see commercials for smiling Bob and the like anymore.

Penis weights and stretchers are the next in this guide to penis enlargement which work by applying force and pressure the penis to stretch it the elastic tissue in that area. This method does work in some cases but you are more likely to cause irrevocable damage to your organs. Common issues associated with stretching are impotency, nerve damage, and erectile dysfunction, so you would be hard-pressed to find a legitimate medical professional who would encourage this form of enlargement.

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Penis surgery is the most expensive method in this guide to penis enlargement but guarantees immediate results by working to bring more of the penis out from inside the body to safely make it more visible and giving you on average an extra inch or so in length. A little less than half of the penis is concealed within the body, so when the surgeon releases a ligament in that area, more of it is able to protrude outwards. Obviously this is elective surgery and is costly so it is not ideal for a lot of men.

The final method in this guide to penis enlargement involves doing local penis exercises which work in theory the same way that the pills and supplements claim to do, or by affecting the tissue inside the penis and its ability to hold more blood. A common cause of and explanation to why one man's penis is smaller than another's is that the larger man's penis is able to hold and fill with more blood both when erect and flaccid. These exercises work to realize your true potential in this respect by gently forcing more blood to the penis in a strategic way so that the tissues and chambers of the penis gradually adapt to these greater capacities. This is a completely safe and when done correctly effective way to naturally see larger sizes permanently but over time.

How would you like to enlarge your penis and erections by up to 3 inches in length & in girth? What about having bigger ejaculations, rock solid hardness, more intense erections as well as mind blowing multiple orgasms for you and her? I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page to learn how to enlarge your penis and become a sex god- Increase Penis Size

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Now you can increase the size of your penis...even if you have wasted countless hours and money on 'penis enlargement pills' or tried using other penis enlargement programs with ZERO results! Visit How to Make Your Penis Bigger

Achieving that enormous manhood should not be waited on, so go ahead and start looking for a natural method to increase the size of your penis right now. If you would like to learn the tested way on male enhancement exercises naturally, visit: Best Penis Enlargement

Now it's scientifically proven that penis size does matter to women! Discuss your sex problems on our forum. We can help you with your sex life! Go to: Sex Forum