Does Marijuana Help Treat Anxiety: Best Strain For Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Marijuana use is now confirmed to be less than enjoyable for many ever since a brand new set of reactions have begun to plague those who choose to smoke. Many who have smoked marijuana for years in the past find the experience to be presently quite different, as they now experience a host of intrusive side effects.

The follow complaints have been noted from recent polls concerning marijuana use:

- Intense Anxiety

- Panic Attacks

- Rapid Heartbeat

- Lightheaded

- Insomnia

- Dizziness

- Sweating

- Shaking

- Breathing Difficulties

- Feelings of Unreality (depersonalization/derealization)

The above sensations are usually experienced after using stimulants, which is quite interesting, since marijuana use previously triggered the opposite effect.

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Nonetheless, the complaints are increasing, as are the symptoms. Even after the marijuana is out of the system, many find the symptoms continue or even escalate. This is not difficult to overcome once one has a full understanding of this difficulty and learns how to approach it correctly.


It's important to understand precisely what is occurring in order to achieve fully recovery from this form of traumatic sensitization.

Both mind and body experienced a mild shock or traumatic event when the adverse reaction occurred (marijuana use). The frightened mind went into self-protective mode as did the reactive body (release of adrenaline in preparation of fight or flight). This fight or flight release of adrenaline produces racing heart, sweating, rapid eye movement and tense muscles. Adrenaline also creates an abundance of energy to necessitate a rapid escape from the associated danger. Since imminent danger is not actually a factor in this case, and the flight mechanism is not in play, the abundance of adrenaline remains in the system, resulting in more symptoms.

Stimulant Use

Bottom line, it's important to realize that marijuana, especially purchased on the street, is usually laced with substances that result in stimulation and excitability, classifying this substance in the category of stimulants. It is a known fact that stimulants trigger anxiety reactions in sensitive individuals and are best avoided.

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- It is imperative to avoid further marijuana use if sensitized and reactive.

- Replace relaxation method with meditation, breathing, yoga or outdoor activity such as walking, running, swimming, etc.

- Make use of a proper anti-anxiety nutrition plan, which maintains balanced blood sugar while naturally boosting Serotonin levels in the brain.

- Look to nature for a calm and healthy body: Nourishment, Rest, Fresh Air, Activity and Nurtured Living Plan.

- Take responsibility for your own happiness and well being.

- Begin a course in desensitization, learning to interrupt fearful thinking, combined with a specific food/nutrition plan to maintain a calm and peaceful mind and body.

In conclusion, it's essential to know your own sensitivity levels and stay within them. Many individuals are highly reactive to outside stimuli, especially when stimulating substances are in play. Make choices that take these factors into consideration. Follow a plan that brings forth a state of calm rather than the stimulating factors that result in an over-sensitized mind and body. The goal is to feel well, relaxed and in a zone where happiness is the norm rather than falsely perceived.

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If you want to beat social anxiety quickly and naturally, then one of the most beneficial things you can start to do right now is to keep a journal. But there are right ways and wrong ways to use a journal to beat your social anxiety, and what follows are 3 simple and effective tips on how to do it right.

1. Be Consistent:

Make a promise to yourself to make an entry in your journal at least once a day, every day. The power journal-keeping has to help you beat you social anxiety relies largely on having a long history of entries to look back on, and on your subconscious being aware that all your thoughts and actions will be documented at a later point in time.

And so it's vital that you never miss a day. Always make an entry, even if it's one paragraph.

2. Be Fair, But Positive:

Be honest in your entries, but don't be single-mindedly pessimistic. So if you have a bad day, or a bad moment in your day that's because of your social anxiety disorder, include it in your entry. But in that same entry, write something positive from your day to balance things out.

If you've had a day where nothing positive happened, then find something!

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Even on your lowest days there will be moments of pleasure or moments that made you smile inside. Jot one of them down in your journal.

In fact, I'd recommend that you force yourself to find one positive thing to put in your entry each day. It's a nice trick to force yourself out of the constant negative thinking and vicious circles of fear and worry that you may otherwise slip into.

3. Study Yourself:

Once you've been keeping your journal for a couple of weeks it's a good time to start going back to the beginning and taking a look at what you've written in the past.

For many people, seeing their thoughts on paper has a wonderful way of demystifying them. It's as if by becoming more familiar with your thoughts from the past you take away a lot of the power they have over you.

And once you've been keeping your journal for many months, then it can really be beneficial to go back over your old entries. You'll begin to see patterns in your mood and thoughts. You'll get to know yourself and what affects you more intimately than you ever have before.

Once you develop this understanding of yourself, you'll begin to see many new and exciting ways to snap yourself out of any future lows you experience.

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Anxiety is something each of us experiences at one time or another. It is a common condition caused by events that happen in our everyday lives. While this is normal, anxiety should be consciously fought when the symptoms start becoming unpleasant and severe, when it occurs often, when it goes on for too long, and when it affects our normal physical and psychological functions. Taking action to cope with anxiety is imperative to avoid the vicious cycle where our thoughts and behavior keeps our own anxiety going and thus making it a more serious disorder.

Anxiety, per se, is not a disease. However, it is a situation that needs to be managed when it arises to be able to have a healthier lifestyle and a better general disposition in life. Life is stressful. That much is true. Pressures build up, which causes stress, and sometimes these outside forces that give us problems are beyond our control. However, to cope with anxiety, we can learn to control our reactions to such outside factors. Recognizing what makes us anxious, understanding them, and trying to deal with them are steps in dealing with anxiety disorder. To cope with anxiety, we must be willing to adjust ourselves to the situations that stress us out. Having a healthy diet and plenty of exercise also help. Such things provide necessary distraction that not only makes the body more relaxed and refreshed but also takes away the mind from thinking too much about the things that are causing the unpleasant thoughts in the first place.

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Getting enough sleep is also important. Lack of sleep only makes one lose concentration and get cranky. Do things that help you relax: for example, you can have a hobby, participate in sports activities, watch a movie, listen to music, or even read self-help books. Staying away from caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol also helps. Sometimes, even talking to someone you know and trust, just letting out what you feel, can help alleviate the feeling of stress and depression. Keep yourself in the company of friends and people that make you laugh and enjoy yourself. Do not isolate yourself, as it will only tempt you to wallow in your problems all over again.

Sometimes, however, self-actualization is not enough to cope with anxiety problems. When the condition is more serious, sometimes, professional help is required. A mental health professional can evaluate if a person needs to be treated in the clinic. This is especially true for cases when anxiety is causing physical harm (e.g., chest pains, shortness of breath, sweating, and dizziness), affecting normal functions, is uncontrollable, is without apparent cause, or is inviting thoughts of suicide and other forms of self-harm. Such symptoms require more immediate and drastic responses.

There are several approaches to cope with anxiety. Mostly, the choice of approach will depend on the level of distress of a patient. The most important thing is for the person suffering from such a condition to be open to change. A person must be willing to help himself to understand the root of his problems and work to deal with them and be able to live with them with minimal stress and tension.

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Overcoming health anxiety can be tough if you don't have a plan in place, but by following just a few simple ideas your chances of success can skyrocket. The key to being successful is knowing what areas of your life need your immediate attention, and knowing which tactics to use in those areas in question.

Arguably the most important area you must focus on if you want to overcome your health anxiety (or any form of panic disorder) is sleep.

High-quality sleep is the best medicine for almost all problems, both physical and mental, and since health anxiety causes so many problems in both your body and your mind, it's no surprise that improving the quality of your sleep and getting more of it will improve your situation substantially.

There's a problem though - if you're suffering from health anxiety, then you're probably also suffering from some form of sleeping problem. Unfortunately, sleep problems go hand in hand with all forms of panic disorder.

Either you will not be getting enough sleep, or the sleep that you're getting will not be restful, refreshing sleep that leaves you feeling renewed when you wake in the morning.

So how do you get yourself out of this vicious circle of anxiety/insomnia?

Well, the great news is there are some simple tips that work incredible well in providing lots of high-quality sleep for people suffering with health anxiety and other forms of panic disorder. The more of these tips you can follow, the better your sleep situation will become. And that can only mean one thing - an immediate improvement to your health anxiety, and to your quality of life in general.

So here are the tips you should introduce to your day to day life right now:

1. Stick To A Routine:

Go to bed at the same time each night, and wake up at the same time each morning. Keeping to a regular sleep/wake routine will eliminate many of the nights you can't get to sleep, and more importantly, it will eliminate those occasions when you wake up in the middle of the night and are unable to get back to sleep.

The human body loves routine - make your sleeping habits predictable and it will repay you with more high-quality sleep.

REVEALED!!! The Discovery That Is Putting an End To Social Anxiety & Shyness

2. Get 8 Hours, and Get The Right 8 Hours:

We all know that we need at least 8 hours of sleep for our bodies to function at their best, and for people with health anxiety it's even more important at least 8 hours of quality sleep is had each night.

But did you know that it's also extremely important to get the right 8 hours?

This is because the human body has many rhythms that never change, even if your schedule does. For example, many of the hormones that stimulate you into life in the mornings are released at around 7 a.m., and this happens whether you're awake or asleep.

So any sleep you have after 7 a.m. will be inferior to sleep you have before 7 a.m.

This means that whenever you can you should be sleeping from 11 p.m. until 7 a.m., or as close to that as you can manage.

If you can't stick to a schedule as strict as this, then still do your best to get as much sleep before 7.a.m as you possibly can. You'll notice the benefits almost immediately.

3. Avoid Pre-Bed Stimulation:

Anything that stimulates you physically or mentally should be avoided for the last hour before you go to bed.

The most obvious things you should be avoiding in this last 60 minutes are TV, loud or heavy music (although calming music is great during this last hour before you turn in), exercise of any kind, caffeine, carbonated drinks, and chocolate.

Something else that you should avoid, which is often overlooked, is tension, aggression, or conflict with anyone you happen to live with.

It's fairly common for people with any kind of sleep problem to become increasingly temperamental as bedtime approaches, due to the anxiety that you're going to have an unpleasant night of lying awake, and you should keep yourself aware of this so you can consciously avoid any arguments (major or minor) in the lead up to bedtime.

By following these 3 simple tips you'll immediately improve the quality of your sleep, and the knock-on effect will be a vast improvement to any psychological problems you may be having. This can only help you in overcoming health anxiety in the quickest time possible.

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If you are willing to make just a few simple changes in your daily routine, you can stop your panic attacks and enjoy your daily activities again, both alone and with your friends and family. To learn how you can stop your symptoms in a couple of steps and then prevent them from ever appearing again- Click Here

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