There is no doubt that higher education creates more job opportunities and greater wealth for graduates. The days of earning your high school diploma and finding a job at a local factory or store are long gone. Traditional, blue collar jobs have largely been shipped overseas, and today’s employers are looking for highly trained individuals who know how to harness 21st Century technology. An education coach isn’t just helpful for high school students mapping out their future, quality career coaching can also help adult learners returning to the classroom.

Education Advancement Options
Before beginning any career, you need a solid educational foundation. However, with so many education options available today, discovering the right path to success can be difficult.

Students today can choose from:

•Community Colleges
•Private and State Universities
•Private Colleges
•Technical Schools
•Online Degree Programs
•Telecommuting Courses

Good career coaching is more than simply polishing a resume and drafting a cover letter. It begins with education advancement that fits your personal goals and dreams. Depending on your desired career, certain higher education options will be more appropriate than others.

Benefits of an Education Coach
Education coaches are experienced individuals who provide one-on-one assistance to individuals preparing for higher education. While many parents may pay for education consulting to help their high school-age children prepare for the future, education coaches are increasingly being tapped by adult learners. For individuals who have been out of the classroom for many years, an education coach can provide extra support when making the transition from work to school.

Look for an education coach who can help you:

•Find the right education advancement opportunities for your career field
•Compile application materials
•Apply for financial aid
•Schedule classes
•Coordnate school, work and family calendars
•Maintain proper study habits and grades
•Plan for continuing education needs

Coaches help their clients save time and money by guiding them directly to the right opportunities. They benefit from the coach’s years of experience in the education field. By using an education coach, you can make the process of getting your degree simple and streamlined.

Author's Bio: 

Tanya Knight is America’s Education Coach. She is passionate about higher education, and the nation’s premier source of information on education advancement. For more information and resources that will help you get a degree and the career of your dreams, visit