Depression is a mental condition thought to be caused by certain neuro-chemicals in the brain, or the lack of them, your genes, traumatic events and bad experiences. Therefore, depression has either a chemical cause or comes from events and experiences in your life. It should be obvious then that if, as in most cases, you suffer depression because of things you have experienced, the effect of depression is at least partly psychological. This means you can do something about it.

If your depression is caused by your brain chemistry or is genetic perhaps you cannot totally control it but there are still ways that you can get help. In these cases medicine may help you. There are several different conditions associated with depression such as Bipolar disorder, postpartum depression, clinical depression, major depression and so on.

Almost 15 percent of the global population will go through depression at least once in their lifetime and the number is growing. In the modern world depression is becoming a serious cause of illness and even death. Suicide can be a direct consequence of depression because there seems to be no hope and no escape for some sufferers.

Education of the public about depression is extremely important for two reasons. The first is that signs of depression will be recognized and help can be offered to those who need it. The second reason why education is so important is that the sufferer will not only be accepted as having an illness but that the sufferer may also understand that it can be treated one way or another and this offers hope.

If unchecked, depression could manifest into physical symptoms and can lead to side effects like withdrawal from society, poor social interaction and stress. Suicide as has been mentioned is another risk.

Everyone goes through bad experiences at some point in their lives. The most important thing is how you cope with them. Just like many things when dealing with life, all experiences are valuable in helping you to grow up. However, when something that you perceive to be extraordinarily destructive happens, problems can arise. Millions of people suffer from depression which can lead to a host of physical and

mental problems. One of the main reasons is an inability to cope with stressful events in life.

More and more attention is being given to depression these days. People are suffering and many medical professionals are missing the diagnosis. You need to cure your depression before the symptoms get worse and affect your mind and body severely.

For more helpful information about depression please read treating depression

Author's Bio: 

About the author: Karl Perera has been helping people discover more about getting depression help for many years. He is also a life coach and author.