COVID-19 has impacted all our lives and does not just stop at our lives, but it also affects our pet’s. We were still able to walk our dogs during lockdown; it was one of the only times we could go out! But, now with restrictions lifting and more people allowed out, there are set things we need to do to keep ourselves and our dogs safe. Whether you walk your dog yourself or you are a professional dog walker we have some advice that will help keep you and your dog safe.
Can dogs get COVID-19?
The first thing to think about is whether dogs can get COVID-19. The easy answer is yes they can. There have been a few reports of dogs getting the virus after being in contact with infected humans, however this is quite rare. But these animals didn’t display signs of the disease and it’s only believed they tested positive due to breathing in contaminated air or carrying the disease on their fur after being touched by an infected human.
Caroline Reay, head of veterinary services at the animal charity Blue Cross said, “They don’t get it as severely as humans – there haven’t been any cases of animals dying. It seems to manifest in respiratory or gastro-intestinal symptoms but nothing more serious.”
If you have developed COVID-19 it may be a good idea to let someone else look after your dog just to make sure they are getting the right level of care they need. Furthermore, if you develop symptoms, you are not allowed to be out walking your dog during self-isolation.
Keeping yourself and your dog safe
Dog walks need to adhere to COVID-19 regulations. You must keep two meters away from anyone not from your household. This also means your dog can’t go up to other dogs for a friendly sniff. You will also have to make sure your dog stays on its lead. If your dog is not used to being on a lead you might have to distract them with toys and treats. When socially distancing meeting people from another household, avoid touching their dogs, as you can spread the virus via a dog’s fur.
Advice for professional dog walkers
When getting your dog walking business up and running again there are many new regulations you need to follow.
When going to collect and deliver the dog, do it in an outdoor space and make sure you disinfect the leads and harnesses. Disinfect the vehicles and door handles to protect yourself but also so you are not spreading the germs from there to the leads when transporting the dogs. Another great tip to help you and your clients is for them to make up a dog walking pack filled with poo bags, treats, and toys that you can keep for their dog, so they don’t have to give you the various necessities every time.
You need to make sure you keep to all the COVID-19 regulations not just to protect you but to also protect your clients. Therefore, it’s a good time to think about getting professional dog walking insurance just to make sure that all parties involved are protected.
To protect yourself and your clients, there are a range of questions you must ask your client before taking their dog for a walk. Things to ask include:
• Has anyone in that household developed symptoms?
• Has anyone in that household been in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19?
• Has anyone in that household recently travelled back from a high-risk country?

Overall, if you follow the same regulations for your dog that you yourself follow, you are doing the best for your dog. There is still no strong evidence that dogs can get the virus and trying to make life as normal as you can for dogs means they will be calmer and happier. Getting them out and seeing other dogs is not just good for you being outside in the fresh air, but it’s also good for your dog being able to see and socialise with other dogs.


Author's Bio: 

Lucy Victoria Desai graduated from Northumbria University in BSc Psychology and then went on to study MSc International Marketing at Newcastle University. Lucy is currently a copywriter at Mediaworks, a digital marketing agency in Gateshead, creating high quality content across many diverse industries, with an interest in psychology, lifestyle, and culture.