As a resume & cover letter is an important tool while searching a job. As cover letter has a equal priority as a resume has. As if you know How to write a resume. Then you can write a cover letter easily & attractively. As resume describes your education qualification,Job experience,Skills, Personal information,etc. As resume does not show how much you are perfect in the organization,but Cover letter shows how much you are expert & perfect in your organization
As following points summarizes how to write a cover letter & what are the tips to be followed while writing a cover letter :-

1) Choose a proper Cover letter Format:-
As this is an important point to be consider,While writing a cover letter. You have to choose a proper cover letter format. This point is most considered when you are submitting your resume with your cover letter. Mostly you have to choose a business cover letter format, As this format is mostly preferred while you are submitting a resume for a job Purpose.

2) tailor-make each cover letter:-
To make a successful cover letter you should tailor make your cover letter to proper position & proper format. Enlist all your Educational skills & qualification & experience, to match your job profile for which post of job your are applying. You should Highlight your educational qualification & experience to show how much your are expert in your organization.
As a cover letter quickly gives a quick snapshot about your skills & experience while interview process. Because interviewer don't have time to see each content in resume, As cover letter highlight this important points and reduces the time as we face in the Resume.

3) Include all details in Cover letter:-
You should include all the details about your personal details & about your qualification , so that there should be any problem happen to the interviewer, in case if he wants to contact you, if you got selected in a interview process.

4) Introduce your self in front of interviewer:-
while writing a cover letter. You should mention your career objectives points in your cover letter. Because it shows what are your goals that you are going to achieve in your organization or in your future. You must not include a false information on your cover letter. As a resume summarizes your Educational qualification,work job history,skills,etc. As cover letter highlights your skills & educational qualification & job experience it shows for which job position you are applying.

5) Explain a gaps in employment Job history:- In cover letter you can specificity a gaps in your employment history. That you have tried to lunch a project, or you have tried to start a business. Due to explaining this Point in your Resume/cover letter. That shows how much you are honesty & How much you have tried to achieved this goal.

6) Sequences your cover letter points:-
You must include a Highest & strongest point at the top of your cover letter. So that interviewer gets an interest while reading your points. So that the interviewer know how much you have the confidence & how much you have the skills to do the work. And he can know from your self how much profit will get for the company to increase the position of company.

7) Check your contents:-
After completing writing a cover letter. You should check once again your cover letter contents, It should not contain any duplicate content, and it should not include any grammatical mistakes,or wrong cover letter format, or other mistakes,due to this reason there may be chances to loose your job opportunity. If you are sending a cover letter through mail you should think that you included all your documents, have you attached your resume with a cover letter, and have you signed in a letter.

From the above mentioned points we came to know what are the importance of a cover letter & what points to be followed while writing a effective cover letter, so that you may not to loose, the job opportunity.

Author's Bio: 

The resume is a best site which gives an idea about How to write a resume with in a minutes using our own resume builder. And it also provides a free resume templates samples for all resume category. This feature is best for a freshers who don't have an idea about How to write a resume.