So you've decided to separate or divorce after having children. Now you must decide if you want to work cooperatively as co-parents for the sake of those children, not to mention for the sake of your own sanity. You need Co-parenting & Custody Support!

Co-Parenting & Custody Support From Family Members:

There is usually always someone else in the family who has dealt with the struggles of co-parenting after separation or divorce. Maybe it's a Sister, your Mother, an Aunt, or Uncle, but chances are this person cares very much about you and about your children as well.

You will feel comfort in sharing with someone you know and trust, someone who loves you unconditionally as family should. Chances are they've also learned a thing or two dealing with their own custody issues, and have much to offer in the way of co-parenting and custody advice. Be sure to look to your family for support during these difficult times. Family is a great resource from which to draw.

Co-Parenting & Custody Support from Other Parents:

Other parents who have dealt with Custody & Co-Parenting truly understand the ins ~n~ outs, & ups ~n~ downs of co-parenting with an ex. When seeking parenting or custody advice and support you must choose wisely from whom you take advice. Not all co-parents are successful in their venture, and not all co-parents implement cooperative co-parenting strategies. Find your parents support from those who's advice is focused on the health and happiness of the children, not on bitterness and vengeance towards an ex.

Thanks to the web there is a plethora of online support forums for those dealing with custody and divorce, you can even find parents support forums as a member at http://www.Bridge2Peace.Com

Co-Parenting & Custody Support From Counselors:

Most Co-Parents are all too familiar with the emotional pain and drain that can accompany separation, divorce, and custody issues. It is a good idea to keep yourself open to the idea of seeking professional help in dealing with these emotional stressors.

Certified Counselors who are trained in the area of family counseling can lend a big hand in helping you navigate the storms of custody and co-parenting. Here are some helpful links to help you locate a counselor in your area.

Network Therapy

Psychology Today

Co-Parenting & Custody Support From Mediators:

When Co-Parenting & Custody issue become unmanageable, for one reason or another, you may want to seek the professional help of a Mediator. Mediation is an invaluable service that can help you resolve difficult issues that would otherwise land you and your co-parent back in family law court.

Here are a few reason to seek Mediation as a first line of legal action before considering litigation.

1. Mediation is economical and you will almost always spend far less in contrast to litigation.

2. Mediation provides for a mutually satisfying outcome. Co-Parents have the ability to reach a mutually agreed upon solution, rather than having a custody decision imposed upon them by a third party.

3. Co-Parents who have reached their own agreement are more likely to follow through and be compliant with the custody / parenting plan or co-parenting agreement.

4. Allowing co-parents to tailor their custody / parenting plan in a mutually agreed upon manner allows the co-parents to walk away from the issues amicably. Because both co-parents have made this decision together it is more possible to preserve a working relationship in ways that may not be possible if dealing with a win/loose court battle.

In the end, no matter which avenue you choose to take when seeking custody and co parents support, you must be sure to keep your children, their needs, and their interest as your top priority.

If both co-parents can successfully focus on the best interest of the children, chances are there will be far less co-parenting issues and better opportunity to build a Bridge2Peace for the well being of their children.


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