Jenenne Macklin is a powerful speaker,transformational coach & author who empowers women to get happy & create wealth. Her speaking resonates and is a catalyst for transformation igniting passion, purpose and possibility to those in her audience. Through her personal stories and professional/business experiences she offers her unique blend of breakthrough wisdom for success. Her coaching is transparent offering strategies from her personal playbook to get happy and create more money. Her presentations are powerful, transparent, engaging and content-rich.
She has a Masters in Social Work, is an ordained interdenominational minister, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Reiki Master. Her current book is "Let's Get You Happy First - 4 Steps To Get You To Your Happy" and her first book, Faith The Size of a Mustard Seed: A Companion for Daily Living each provide disgestible nuggets of wisdom. She is a great choice as a Keynote and Breakout speaker, workshop/conference presentor, Lunch & Learn facilitator and empowering Corporate Training for your events.
Jenenne is credited with inspiring, empowering and uplifting audiences wherever she speaks. She speaks passionately offering her own unique blend of personal growth & development for women. After 15 years of speaking she has mastered a finely tuned collaboration of professional, clinical and spiritual wisdom.
The laws that govern the universe are simple but very profound and exact in their demonstration.
When you get the correlation between what you think and what shows up in your life, you "get" the magic of manifesting what you really want.
There is a difference between power and force, so move through your interactions exercising your power and there will be no need for force, because there will be nothing to push against.
Seeking to upgrade your life, be more creative, fulfilled and happy, increase your abundance, or want to know practical solutions for greater confidence and personal power or how to manifest your desires contact Jenenne for private Life Coaching sessions by phone, or email. Services are provided in person, via phone or webcam Skype. Individual sessions can be one time or packages of three for greater stability. call: 310.978.7133 or
Have Jenenne as a speaker at your retreat, conference of profesional development day by calling 310-978-7133 to reserve your date, discuss a custom presentation and rate schedule.
Thinking of getting a group of friends together; schedule a Life Coaching group session (minimum of 4 people). For more