Fighting cellulite is a multi-million dollar industry. In the United States, the market is valued at no less than $100 million every year. If you are one of those who continue to struggle against cellulite build up in their body, you could be in for a very expensive treatment program.

But just ...Fighting cellulite is a multi-million dollar industry. In the United States, the market is valued at no less than $100 million every year. If you are one of those who continue to struggle against cellulite build up in their body, you could be in for a very expensive treatment program.

But just like any other skin problem or beauty crisis, there's always one or two more economical yet effective alternatives to eliminating cellulite. If you would only look around your kitchen you will be surprised that something in there can banish the hard fatty deposits on your thighs or hips.

We're actually talking about coffee. It may sound preposterous but it's definitely true; coffee has been found to reduce cellulite. The key, scientists say, is in the caffeine contained in coffee. Caffeine is a substance, an alkaloid to be exact, which is primarily recognized as a stimulant; but studies have shown its ability to control the development of cellulite in the body.

The fatty lumps you know as cellulite is basically brought about by poor blood circulation in a particular area of your skin. Under such condition, fat cells are trapped or entangled between skin tissues and turned into lumps; this makes them difficult to dissolve even with the right amounts of exercise and proper diet. With coffee –based caffeine, blood flow is triggered in different areas of your body and passageways are opened so that dissolved lumps can flow away as wastes.

And here's the kicker; did you know that caffeine and its imitative substances are used as main ingredients in anti-cellulite products available in beauty stores and skin clinics? Such is the power of caffeine against fatty deposits! Women who applied skin products that are made with this substance have shown that in a matter of weeks, at least one inch of cellulite have been melted away from affected areas like the thighs, hips, and arms.

Lotions and creams are just two types of cellulite-cutting products that make use of caffeine. If you have heard of stockings or lingerie being used for melting fatty lumps, you may be surprised to learn that these items are also laced with caffeine. Using undergarments in reducing lumps is not that widespread, but it tells you that many women are leaving no stones, or underwear, unturned in the fight against cellulite.

Stockings that are spiked with caffeine activate this substance when the user's body temperature starts to climb. As the substance is released and absorbed into the system through the skin, blood circulation is stimulated in the affected areas. Consequently, cellulite is melted away and passed away as body waste. Surprisingly, this type of stockings can be effective up to five washes.

Right now, you may be excited about seeing caffeine at work. But chances are, you do not have time to buy caffeine-based skin products or you just can't appreciate wearing stockings laced with caffeine. Well, all you have to do is go to your kitchen and apply coffee directly on the affected areas of your body.

By applying coffee, you are not only improving your skin, but you are saving time and money as well. And there is no other alternative that can be more straightforward than that. Besides, not less than 70% of all women who tried this procedure reported a dramatic reduction in the size of fatty lumps in their thighs, arms and elsewhere.

And so the next time your up for a cup, remember that coffee is not only about staying alert at work, it is also your brew for a sexier you. You can also add products like Celrase to make cellulite a thing of the past. Visit for more details.

Author's Bio: 

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine