Over the last 10 to 15 years, the drug companies have gotten so greedy that they are not happy with the profits they are making from ill people, they actually want healthy people to take prescription drugs for "preventative" reasons. One of the most prevalent methods that the have used, and one that makes them several billion dollars a year, is to popularize the fable that the general healthy population will have better health outcomes in the future if they take statin drugs to keep their cholesterol levels low today.
I urge all my readers to do an internet search on this topic, because there are many university professors who disagree with this practice. And now, the proponents of natural therapies and natural prevention have even more research on their side.
The Cochrane Library has published a new study on cholesterol-lowering drugs. What this study found is that almost all studies claiming that cholesterol-lowering drugs are safe have been done by the pharmaceutical companies that sell them. The researchers collected data from 14 such drug trials. The drug trials involved over 34,000 patients. The conclusion was that there is no evidence proving that it is safe for healthy people with no history of heart disease to take cholesterol-lowering drugs.
One of the researchers in the study, Professor Shah Ebrahim from the London school of hygiene and tropical medicine, was quoted as saying that the researchers "found that evidence that potential harm is not being taken seriously. The adverse effects are not included in the trials."
Furthermore, a study published in the British medical Journal in 2010 concluded that for every heart attack allegedly prevented by cholesterol-lowering drugs, two people suffer liver damage, kidney failure, cataracts or extreme muscle weakness as a direct result of taking the statin drugs. The researchers concluded that statin drugs hurt more people than they help.
The question for the public is what can we do to help ourselves feel and age better without taking dangerous pharmaceutical drugs. The outlook is positive. The most important thing to remember regarding cholesterol is that cholesterol in itself is not a bad thing. Cholesterol is actually the main food for all of the body's hormones. It is impossible for human beings to function properly, hormonally-speaking, if they are suffering from a lack of cholesterol.
Cholesterol only becomes a problem when there is too much cholesterol going into your blood vessels compared to the amount of cholesterol leaving your blood vessels. This is what the ratio LDL to HDL refers to. If your ratio LDL to HDL is lower than 2 then you should be okay. Even better news is that there is a natural product called concentrated fish oil which actually raises HDL and lowers LDL, thereby improving your ratio with no side effects whatsoever.
Taking 6 capsules of a good-quality concentrated fish oil every day can help balance your lipid profile, including not only cholesterol, but also triglycerides, which are much more conclusively linked to heart disease than cholesterol is. If you combine this with a natural cholesterol-balancing product you can help yourself tremendously and avoid all the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs.
Sector rotator. Natural health and biophysics devotee. I enjoy mountaineering, baguazhang, learning interesting things and the music of Piazzolla.
For more in-depth information on the extensive benefits of fish oil, please check out my detailed blog post at benefits of fish oil.
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