So here you are – happy that you have a unique skill, yet curious and anxious about how the big bad world of freelancing might work for you? You’re not alone! We all felt that way, till we found systems or methods to combat these feelings of insecurity and anxiousness. All said and done, we feel that writers, especially freelance writers, need to be prepared to handle rude shocks along the way. So, for your benefit, we’ve listed a few of the most common obstacles that might come up, and how you can handle them. Take a look:

Finding Your First Customer: Yeah! He’s going to be your wheel of fortune. He’s going to recommend your good work and give you good references. It’s therefore advisable to work with someone who you understand and communicate well with. And of course, keep him happy!

Finding more customers: You now have a person who could give you a good reference. The key to constantly finding good work is to keep announcing that you’re available. Build a strong professional network, publish your work and get good feedback on your personal website and most importantly, constantly maintain a funnel of prospects.

Work Life Balance: Mind you, it’s not easy. But some wise guy said, “Losers have Goals and Winners have systems!” Try to automate day to day tasks by using simple methods, for e.g. Using a desktop time management application or creating standing instructions on your bank accounts for bills or by plain delegating / dividing your responsibilities etc. It’s important to find the right time for work and the right time for yourself.

Negative Feedback: The best of the writers get it. So will you. Your first reaction to negative feedback probably is to scream at the client, or tell him to take a hike. Or think that you are worthless as a writer! STOP! Take a moment to read the feedback objectively. Then go back to your writing to see if the feedback is valid. While it is not necessary to accept whatever your client says (you can and should defend your writing if you think the feedback is irrelevant or unfair), you should also understand that most clients do not criticize you personally. It is the writing. So take it in your stride.

Money: Yes, we read your thoughts! You have got to be prepared to make little or no money at times to also getting money from varied sources at a time! Before you begin, take a sneak peek at your budgets and your current financial situation. Do not give up your job and start writing if you have debt! Always, maintain an emergency fund as a backup. In case, you have funds coming in from varied sources, it is always advisable to consult a tax professional to understand how much of tax you would need to pay for the whole year.

Another point worth mentioning may be the guarantee that you will be paid for the work done. To avoid this you could either have your own caution system in place, or you could engage with customers through a content agency. The agency would take responsibility for your timely payments.

Hope this post added value to your writing career. Have you faced any major challenges when freelance content writing for your client? How did you deal with them?

Author's Bio: 

At Content Crossroads we safeguard our content writers from such probable issues. In fact, we pride ourselves on paying our writers even before we get paid ourselves.

Founded in 2009, Content Crossroads is a content writing company, based in India. Serving satisfied customers across Europe, USA and India, the company blends creativity and evangelism with hard-nosed business experience to create great content consistently, helping you shore up your content marketing efforts.