It is crucial at the outset of this article to note that yoga is of a spiritual nature and everything in existence is actually spiritual, since it came from the spiritual world originally. This is all factual and part of true celestial history. Many of us are well aware that the entire material world with all of its phantasmagoria is only an illusion that is controlled by the spiritual energy within the spiritual world.

Mantra yoga is one of the higher forms of yoga. In fact it is directly associated with the highest form of yoga. Obviously, there are many forms of yoga that are stratified...that is, some forms are higher and some are lower. I like to begin by dispelling the myth that yoga is merely for physical fitness purposes. Many people get excited when they hear the term yoga because they are familiar with physical yoga. Here, we are referring to the higher forms of yoga such as mantra yoga, which is not physical at all except fort the use of vocal chords.

There are many chants, many mantras, and many forms of yoga. Obviously, we should be most concerned about finding the highest form of yoga and the highest mantras available for the highest purposes. This ensures we get the best results and benefits from our meditation practice. This highest form of yoga is revealed openly in the Bhagavad-Gita, which is the leading doctrine on philosophy, human nature, karma and the origins of all religious principles. The highest form of yoga is known as Bhakti Yoga, and it centrally involves the repetition of the highest mantra, which is known as the maha mantra.

"Maha" means great. And this Great Mantra can be used by anyone at anytime for achieving the ultimate goal of all yoga and meditation, which is oneness with the divine spirit and deliverance from delusion. And, oneness with the ultimate reality. When this mantra is given to those who have not chanted it before it is a special form of yogic initiation. This spiritual initiation is given by the Guru who is merely a teacher. It is literally a gift because after receiving it your life can never be the same. This is so because this initiation purifies all of your chakras, activating the kundalini, for leading you to true happiness and fulfillment in life.

The Maha-Mantra is as follows for those who are interested in this chakra purification opportunity:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

This chakra purification will lead you to the highest levels of abundance, prosperity, fulfillment, ecstasy, happiness and enlightenment. It will naturally resolve any problems you face and remove any roadblocks in your path. This purification all culminates in true spiritual liberation, which is the ultimate aim of this Human form of life. This liberation empowers us to make it back to the "spiritual world" and escape the bondage of the material world in our next life. In the spiritual world, there is no pain or suffering, no death, disease and old age.

Mantra yoga is cited in many of the most authoritative doctrines on yoga and meditation including leading Buddhist treatises such as the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Just like yoga, there are many mantras all for different purposes. Some are higher and some lower in nature and in purpose.

But how do these mantras work on a metaphysical level?

These mantras work by shifting our vibration because everything is just really energy. And all energy vibrates...some at a higher rate and some lower. Higher vibrations are more associated with the sublime, the ecstatic, spiritual world and transcendental. The lower or slower vibrating energy is more connected with the lower material energies. Sound energy is so powerful that sound at the right pitch can easily break glass. Sound is a very potent form of energy, and its power is obviously quite useful within the context of mantra yoga.

So the object of mantra yoga is to shift the vibration or frequency of the one chanting so that one takes on the vibration of that which they are chanting. The object further is to change the vibration which naturally attracts like energy through the Law of Attraction. Since everything is really just vibrating energy, our vibration is what determines everything about us and our world what we experience, attract in life and perceive. When our chakras are vibrating at a high rate, we feel happy and energetic and attract similar people and conditions. When they are vibrating slower, we feel low and sluggish and we attract according to the vibration. Mantras can help us control how we feel by accelerating the vibration of the practitioner.

In fact, we use mantras to accelerate the speed of our auras and chakras. This causes us to naturally experience more of whatever the mantra is intended or designed for. The more we chant a given mantra, the more we take on the energy or vibration of that which we are channeling by using the mantra.

Author's Bio: 

Bhakta David is a meditation practitioner and enjoys working with chakras for healing and wellness purposes. He works with many organizations to help spread divine knowledge of yoga and meditation. For more information on this exciting subject matter, you can refer to