Evidence suggests that CBT is currently the most effective treatment for a range of mental health problems including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, OCD, PTSD. As such it is recommended as the treatment of choice by The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and therefore by the government. However, despite the recent introduction of IAPTs (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies), the government initiate to ensure that CBT is provided to everyone who needs it, NHS waiting lists are still up to 12months long. As a result people are increasingly seeking treatment in the private sector, however, currently the title 'CBT Therapist' is not protected and practice is not regulated meaning that anyone can offer CBT regardless of qualifications or experience. This leaves many people who need the best treatments delivered by the most experienced practitioners exposed. When looking for a CBT Therapist the following guidelines should therefore be followed:
1. Look for a Clinical and Counselling Psychologist. They have been trained over seven to nine years either to Doctoral or Masters level to enable people to overcome their emotional difficulties. They will have been trained to use a wide range of therapeutic techniques, one of these being CBT.
2. Make sure the Clinical/Counselling Psychologist holds a practicing certificate with The British Psychological Society. The British Psychological Society is the representative body for psychology and psychologists in the UK. The Society was formed in 1901 and has more than 45,000 members. Through its Royal Charter, the Society is charged with overseeing psychology and psychologists. It has responsibility for the development, promotion and application of pure and applied psychology for the public good. Practicing certificates are only issued to Chartered Psychologists which is the benchmark of professional recognition for psychologist. It reflects the highest standards of knowledge and expertise.
3. Make sure the Clinical/Counselling Psychologist is registered with The Health Professionals Council which monitors and regulates the practice of health care professionals.
4. Make sure the Clinical /Counselling Psychologist is accredited to practice by www.babcp.com ">The British Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Psychotherapies . The BABCP is the lead organisation for the theory, practice and development of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the UK. BABCP Accreditation is the “Gold Standard” that every CBT Practitioner is striving to achieve. Any practitioner can be a member but to achieve accreditation with the BABCP demonstrates that the practitioner has met the rigorous criteria outlined in their core profession, qualifications and clinical experience and ensures that they are continually updating and developing their skills through ongoing training.

At the The British CBT & Counselling Service all therapist fulfil the above criteria so you can be sure you are getting the Best from the Best

Author's Bio: 

The British CBT & Counselling Service are Doctors of Clinical Psychology and Counselling Psychologists (MSc) (Richmond, Kingston, Nottingham), specialising in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for both adults and children experiencing a range of problems including, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, bereavement, eating disorders (including anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa), obsessive compulsive disorder and others distressing emotional problems. We offer Face to Face CBT Counselling, Telephone CBT Counselling, Marriage Counselling and Online CBT Counselling.
All members of The British CBT & Counselling Service (Richmond, Kingston, Nottingham and West Bridgford) are Doctors of Clinical Psychology, Counselling Psychologists (MSc) or CBT Therapists (Postgraduate Diploma) and are accredited to practice by The British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy and/or hold a practicing certificate with The British Psychological Society. All Psychologists are also registered with The Health Professionals Council which monitors and regulates the practice of Psychologists and some are members of The British Association of Cognitive Psychotherapies South London. Our Psychologists have spent between seven and nine years training to enable people to overcome their emotional difficulties via CBT Counselling and have been qualified practitioners for at least two years. In addition to practicing privately, many hold (or have recently held) senior positions in the NHS.
Dr Gray (Consultant Clinical Psychologist) is the Director of The British CBT & Counselling Service. She is also a Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Psychiatry, has published widely in the field of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Counselling and speaks regularly at both national and international conferences. She is also co-author of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Patients with Eating Disorders: A Comprehensive Treatment Guide. Cambridge University Press (2007) and the companion guide for patients Beating Your Eating Disorder. Cambridge University Press (2010).