Causes for Hair Fall and Tips to Prevent Hair Fall Naturally
Thinning hair and hair fall are common problems for all now a days. Compare to women, men are facing this problem more and became to bald headed. You can prevent this hair fall problem, but fist you have to know the causes for hair fall and based on cause you can proceed to treat your hair.

Causes for Hair Fall

Usually every one losses about 40-50 strands of hair daily. If it is more and the new hair is not producing at hair loss it becomes a cause for big worry. Main causes for hair loss are the following.

Genetics Causes:

This is the primary cause for hair loss. If anybody in your family are suffering from hair loss or thinning of hair you also may get this problem.

Deficiency of Nutritious Diet:

Proper nutrition is required for hair cells. Lack of B vitamins and iron / folic acid is second main cause for hair loss.

Viral Diseases:

Jaundice, Typhoid, High fever for longer time and other viral Diseases affects your immune system that results your body becoming too weak and this leads to hair loss, thinning hair.


Stress and tension are also main causes for hair loss. Like any other organic cells, Hair cells need more rest and relaxation to revive.


Dandruff is dangerous disease leads to rough scalp resulting into hair loss.

Chemical based Hair Styling Products:

Using of heavy chemical based shampoos, oils, conditioners and other hair style products containing chemicals for longer periods also a cause for hair loss.

Hard and Chemical water:

Taking head bath with hard water or chemical based water also causes thinning of hair and hair loss.

Hair Loss during Pregnancy and child birth:

During pregnancy and child birth period women are prone to mineral deficiencies, which is one of the major causes for thinning hair in women.

Tips to Prevent Hair fall Naturally

Here are the tips to control your hair loss, Follow and prevent hair fall naturally.

Proper Nutritious Diet:

You want to prevent your hair fall and thinning of hair early, you have to follow a healthy balanced diet rich in B vitamins, calcium, protein and iron.

Consumption of rich protein foods helps to hair growth. Women should take foods contains B1 vitamin. A lack of these nutrients lessens the blood supply to scalp, leads to thinning of hair.

It is recommend that consume a balanced healthy diet comprising of nuts, grains, seeds, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and dairy products.

Massage with Oil:

Massage your hair scalp with oil this will increase blood circulation in your scalp, gives strength to your hair roots. It also cures dandruff and some fungal infections. And another important point is, it controls your stress levels which is also one cause for hair loss.

You can use coconut oil or olive oil to massage your scalp. You can massage scalp before going to bed and take head bath in next day morning with less chemical based shampoo and use warm water.

If you don’t like to apply oil to your scalp, simply you can rub your scalp with your fingertips, without oil to enlarge blood circulation in your scalp so that, you can control the hair loss.

Take care of Dry Hair & Dry Scalp:

Dry Scalp & Dry hair gives hair loss at an early age and premature white or gray hair. Regular massage with oils and improving water levels in your body lessen the hair fall. Drink plenty of water to stay healthy and beautiful.

Avoid Using Chemical based hair products:

Completely avoid chemical based hair products. These chemicals can irritate your scalp frustrating hair loss. You can use baby shampoos which contain very less chemicals or use sheekai.

Keep away from Stress:

To prevent hair fall at early stage or premature graying or white hair, avoid stress. Do yoga, meditation, and exercises or go for long walks to avoid stress.

Do not ignore your hair. Know the above reasons for hair loss, follow the above tips to prevent hair fall and keep your hair healthy and strong.

Author's Bio: 

This article is based on Causes for Hair Fall and Tips to Prevent Hair Fall Naturally
Thinning hair and hair fall are common problems for all now a days.