Hair transplant surgery is a ground-breaking cure for individuals with hair loss problems that allows them to have back their full head of hair and look natural. Thus, knowing the process is vital for anyone who wants to undergo this operation. Every step from an initial consultation to the meticulous placement of follicles has been tailored towards achieving perfect outcomes.

This article will take you through a step-by-step guide on what happens during the procedure of hair transplant surgery surgery, the benefits associated with different techniques used as well as necessary post-surgery care required. By the end of it all, you will have gained clear expectations and know what you need to do to attain the most favourable results.

10 Processes and Considerations to Observe

1. First Consultation

• Purpose: The first consultation is very important because it sets the pace for the whole journey towards getting hair restored through transplantation. The surgeon examines the patient’s baldness pattern; and discusses expectations with them before deciding whether they are fit candidates or not.

• Assessment: The doctor checks scalp condition by examining its appearance then determines how dense donor hairs are likely going to be after transplanting some onto recipient areas. Sometimes he may also take photographs which will serve as medical records later on when necessary so that comparisons can easily made between pre- and post-operative appearances.

• Plan Development: After assessing the number of grafts needed as well as areas where they should be placed; the surgeon comes up with his personalized plan based on individual cases since there cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach here. At this point, the patient should also get knowledge about the recovery time involved plus possible risks related to thereof.

2. Preparations Before Operation

• Instructions: Patients are given instructions before undergoing surgery e.g., avoid certain drugs/alcohol/smoking that might interfere healing process afterward among others.

• Hair Washing: Clients should wash their hair thoroughly before going to reduce the chances of getting an infection during such operations.

• Clothing: One is advised to wear loose comfortable clothes that do not require being pulled over the head since these may disturb new grafts fixed after the operation hence making everything worse off than it was before.

• Shaving: The donor area is usually situated at the back or sides of the head; thus hair within this region needs to be shaved completely to make it easy to see follicles when extracting them later on.

• Anaesthesia: Local anaesthetic drugs are injected into the donor site to numb it down entirely thereby preventing any pain from being felt throughout the removal process.

3. Extraction of Hair Follicles

• Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): Here, the surgeon removes a strip of skin containing many follicles at once and then divides them individually under a microscope.

• Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): In the FUE method single units are taken out directly using special tools designed for that purpose; leaving behind small dot-like scars which can hardly be noticed compared with linear scars produced by the FUT technique.

• Decision-making: Whether to choose between these two methods depends on the type of hairs involved and, the extent of loss experienced so far among other factors; but ultimately decision rests upon the patient’s preference too although the doctor will advise accordingly during the consultation session held prior commencing treatment plan.

4. Making the recipient area ready

• Developing the hairline: The surgeon creates a new hairline and marks the recipient site. This is a crucial step because it affects the entire beauty of the transplant.

• Anaesthesia: Local anaesthesia is injected into the recipient area to numb it and ensure that during the graft insertion process, the patient feels no pain.

5. Creating Recipient Sites

• Cuts: The doctor cuts tiny incisions or holes in the receiver region with a needle or scalpel. The angle, depth and direction of these cuts are well-planned to give a natural-looking outcome.

• Space: Incisions should be spaced evenly to imitate natural hair growth patterns. The density and coverage required to achieve the desired look must also be taken into account by the surgeon.

6. Implanting Hair Follicles

• Positioning: Incisions are carefully placed into which harvested hair follicles are inserted. Precision is needed during this process in order not to damage them or misplace them.

• Eye for detail: To create an authentic appearance, each graft’s direction and angle are closely examined by the surgeon who then adjusts accordingly where necessary. Though it may take time if overlooked can lead to unsuccessful results.

7. Post-Surgery Care

• Dressing: The donor area together with the recipient area gets dressed to safeguard them against infection besides controlling bleeding.

• Immediate Instructions: Patients receive instructions on how to look after their scalp like cleaning treated areas as well as applying any prescribed medication.

8. Recovery Period

• Initial Healing: Swelling, redness plus mild pain around treated parts might be experienced by patients within the first few days after which they heal naturally. Painkillers can be given alongside anti-inflammatory drugs for relief in such cases where deemed necessary

9. Long-Term Care and Maintenance

• Hair Care Routine: Patients are advised to follow a gentle hair care routine, avoiding harsh chemicals and excessive styling.

• Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports healthy hair growth .

• Medications: Some patients may be prescribed medications like minoxidil or finasteride to support hair growth and prevent further hair loss.

How much time does a hair transplant procedure take?
The hair transplant procedure can last many hours or even days. The time it takes depends on the severity of the condition, the technique used, and the number of grafts required. In general, a single session can take anywhere between 4 and 8 hours.

1. Consultation phase: This is where doctors examine the patient’s scalp to see how much hair is lost. They also discuss possible options with clients including what to expect after surgery and how long it will last for them specifically based on their individual needs (usually lasts around an hour).

2. Preparation phase: On the day of surgery, patients are given local anaesthesia which makes them comfortable during procedures such as cleaning recipient areas and marking donor areas. This normally takes up to two hours before moving on to the extraction phases.

3. Extraction phase: This involves removing hair follicles from one area of your body called the donor site and then transferring them into another known recipient site. It may involve either Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) where each follicle is individually extracted or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) where a strip of scalp with healthy hairs attached is removed before being divided into smaller units for transplantation purposes both methods can take several hours depending on how many grafts are needed.

4. Implantation phase: After extraction has been completed all harvested follicles will be carefully transplanted back into balding parts so that they grow normally again over time just like other existing hairs do naturally without any special care needed from you except keeping good hygiene habits always intact throughout life span which means this part usually takes about four-six hours overall but sometimes longer if there’re lots more grafts required than usual because each single needs its own space created around it before being inserted properly within incisions made beforehand either manually scalpel or automated punch device called implanter pen.

5. Post-Procedure Care: Once all grafting has been done, the scalp is cleaned and bandaged. Patients will be given post-operative care instructions before they are discharged from the hospital which can usually happen on the same day as surgery itself.


A hair transplant is a step-by-step process that is done with extreme care and concentration. Every stage from the first conversation to the healing time is aimed at making sure that patients are satisfied with their results. Knowing the things that take place during the operation enables one to make good choices as well as prepare themselves for this endeavor towards gaining more hair on their heads.

The surgeon’s skills and following postoperative guidelines closely are what determine whether a follicular unit strip surgery or extraction procedure will be successful in restoring lost hair onto someone’s scalp again.

Author's Bio: 

This article was written by Dr. Kapil Dua, a hair restoration expert & co-founder of AK Clinics. He loves to help people get their hair back and keep it healthy all the way.