Used as a luxury drink, alcohol can have short or long-term effects on our mental health depending on the frequency. When alcohol is taken in, it alters certain chemicals in our brains, interfering with their normal functioning. As a depressant, alcohol slows the brain and could eventually cause serious mental issues.


With teens and adults using alcohol as a coping drug, it’s hard to realize when one is becoming an addict. Taking alcohol starts as a mild problem developing into moderate and severe without an individual knowing. Although several symptoms show your alcohol use is growing into mental issues, most of them go unnoticed.


How Does Alcohol Affect Your Mental Health

Alcohol disrupts the delicate balancing of chemicals and processes in our brains. When this disruption to the neurotransmitters occurs, our actions, thoughts, and feelings get affected. For instance, when individuals drink alcohol, some feel extra confident, happy, and less anxious. This newly found confidence and happy feelings are felt when alcohol suppresses the brain parts that control the inhibitors.


How Does it Do it?

The first few bottles bring out feelings that an individual could be looking for. However, the feeling turns into a negative one when too much is taken in. Some of the immediate effects include vomiting, dizziness, nausea, and headaches. Some individuals experience short-term memory loss and might end up doing odd things that can’t take place while they’re sober.


Unknown to many, the feelings derived from alcohol differ from one individual to another. The difference could be caused by the following;

  • How often do you drink?
  • Your mood while taking the alcohol
  • Your body weight
  • The type of company you’re partying with
  • Your health status

Conditions Associated With Mental Illness

Several mental conditions are directly connected to alcohol addiction. They include;


80 percent of individuals facing alcoholism experience depression at some point in their lives. However, 30 percent of these individuals end up requiring alcohol addiction treatment for major depression cases. The chemicals responsible for the regulation of moods get affected each time an individual drinks alcohol. To mask the depression systems, alcohol users heighten their consumption resulting in serious mental issues.


While undergoing treatment, the experts at alcohol rehabs must avoid using antidepressants with alcohol components. The use of such drugs will instead increase the chances of the addict going back to alcohol.



Most alcohol addicts claim that its intake helps curb anxiety levels. Relying on this drug to handle anxiety issues increases your chances of developing an overreliance on alcohol. To treat anxiety, individuals can choose to meditate, go for yoga, or apply some breathing techniques instead of focusing on alcohol.


Psychosis and Suicide Thoughts

When an individual loses his or her inhibitions, they’ll behave impulsively. This could lead to self-harm or suicide cases. Extreme drinking is a threat and can make an alcohol addict start experiencing delusions or hallucinations. But the good thing is, most States have free alcohol rehabs where affected people can withdraw from alcohol and get treatment without experiencing psychosis effects.


If your friend or loved one is showing signs of despair, withdrawal, or despair and has an addiction challenge, it’s time to take them to rehab. Failure to seek early addiction treatment will worsen their mental health and bring instability in their lives.

Author's Bio: 

Ikhraaf Qaiser is a blogger and renowned author on many websites. He loves to write about health, lifestyle, and travel.