I came across the greatest recipe book this week and I have to share it with all of you since this week is all about books!
It is called Camelot’s Kitchen. It came into fruition in the most adorable way and the recipes are excellent. For those of you who like to eat, or prepare food, you should check it out.

Camelot is a rabbit who escaped his hairy life into the arms of a chef and with that grew a beautiful relationship (the chef did not cook the rabbit :0) ) and awesome salad recipes.

Here’s a little piece from the “About Camelot” section on their website:

"It's a bunny!" he heard her exclaim. She brought the hungry visitor inside, where he was welcomed with open arms by the rest of the family, a human named Doug and a sleek, furry kitty named Miss Twitty. Shoreh, the female human in the house showered the lucky bunny with love, affection and a sampling of fresh, edible delights that our hero had never dreamed of! Thus started the culinary adventure, which two years later led to this book.

I hope you enjoy it!
Organically Yours,
Renay Matthews

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