Recently, I was intrigued to come across a weight loss program officially known as the Blood Group Diet; it has been around for sometime though I had not read up on it previously. However, I gathered from the book that according to the research of alleged experts, blood type actually has an influence on the way in which a human body absorbs nutrients from food consumed.

Apparently, or so it is theorized, each blood group uses a unique antigen marker which causes good or bad reactions to certain food types. Furthermore, stomach acidity and digestive enzymes are also said to be related to specific blood groups; possibly this might account for why some foods give certain people reactions such as indigestion yet have no noticeable effect on another.

Eating Like Your Ancestors!

According to this blood group diet theory, people who eat food that is in tandem with their blood type will benefit due to the fact that the meal will be more easily digested and the nutrients contained within said meal will be more efficiently absorbed by the body.

As strange as it may sound, the researchers theorize that blood groups all evolved at different times; thus for anyone wishing to follow this method of weight loss he or she will need to eat food of the kind originally consumed by their ancestors.

Here is a very brief outline of the plan, the blood groups and the recommended food types.

Blood Group O – This group is associated with hunter gatherers therefore, the best type of food for them to consume, according to the research, would consist of lots of protein, mainly meat and fish. However they should avoid dairy and wheat products. They are also advised to take regular exercise and plenty of fluids.

•Blood Group A – This group researchers advise should stick to a diet of whole grain cereals, nuts, pasta, fruit and vegetables with little or no meat included while staying away from diary products altogether. Once again, regular exercise is advised to people within this particular blood group, specifically yoga and golf. Apparently blood group A is, according to the researchers, the largest group in the world and their ancestors were farmers.

Blood Group B – This group of people are allowed to eat all varieties of food however they are cautioned to avoid processed foods. Exercise is also promoted for this group but it should contain elements for mental stimulation, so hiking, walking and swimming are the recommended activities.

Blood Group AB – This group is allowed to eat foods that are recommended for blood types A and B. This is somewhat confusing if you consider that food that is recommended for A is more restrictive than what is advised for blood type B.

Researchers counter this by advising that AB groups should predominantly eat as blood type As but may also from time to time partake of meat, fish and diary. Their exercise regime is a combination of those recommended for A and B blood types.

In my personal opinion, and putting aside the advice to exercise, this eating program could be said to sum up the pointlessness of dieting as a whole. No one can live on such a diet permanently and though weight may be lost in the short term, in the long term I believe this diet to be unsustainable; if only through the potential for the dieter to become mind numbingly bored with the restrictiveness and repetitiveness of the program.

Consequently, it is my firm belief that the only way to achieve long term weight loss is through sensible eating of food that is nutritionally valuable while avoiding over processed, sugar rich foods. Consider for a brief moment those who have food intolerances or allergies; the threat alone of suffering the discomfort of a symptomatic attack, by consuming something that is detrimental to their good health, I imagine, must motivate them to use care and caution in their approach to food and eating. They do not have any option, if they wish to avoid the pain and suffering they know they will likely endure if they make bad food choices.

Keeping the above example in mind, here is a somewhat unusual and novel approach for those who want to try to overcome their food cravings. The next time you are tempted to eat that yummy ice cream, chocolate cake or whatever, tell yourself that you are allergic to it.

Visualize the effects it might have if you ate it and suffered an allergic reaction. In your mind's eye see yourself with a huge unsightly red spot on the end of your nose or imagine you are itching all over. Keep doing this exercise and eventually I think you will find the ice cream, chocolate cake or whatever, your temptations will begin to appear less and less attractive until one day you will find that the cravings have virtually disappeared.

If you can achieve this small but important step along the road to good health and weight loss you will find your resolve rewarded as your motivation and desire to succeed will increase exponentially, allowing you to take real control of your eating habits. Thus you will become healthier, slimmer and by default a much happier you; with no blood group diet or any other program in sight.

Visit my site to learn more about healthy weight loss.

Author's Bio: 

Interested in health, fitness, nutrition, weight loss and alternative remedies with more than a passing interest in the paranormal. Also enjoy writing and reading factually based material related to wellness and/or the unexplained ie, paranormal phenomena.