It seems that everything is getting easier in this technological age. There are apps to help us eat better, walk more and even do a little bit of yoga on the go. We can even keep our bodies strong by staying active and paying more attention to the nutritional benefits that we derive from every attempt that we can make to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

But being healthy isn’t just encompassed by these things. In fact, some may argue that having a healthy mind can be the basis for everything else to fall right into line. Consider it to be the runner at the beginning of a race, where that baton can be passed off down the path to participants representing exercise, nutrition and a host of other components that create overall good health, but only after the benefits of a healthy mental state have been experienced.

Plus, the fact that there seems to be a renewed surge in seeking therapy for mental health-related conditions has made the stigma that was once attached to therapy nearly a thing of the past. People are now talking about their therapy, not hiding it from family members or co-workers. They are sharing the results that they are experiencing, as well as the methods used to achieve them. It has become a topic of interest, often discussed around the break room table or over a cup of coffee in the morning.

Therapy has also now embraced the latest technology, offering patients a wide variety of ways to stay more involved in their treatment. Typically in the past, when patients left the office for their scheduled therapy session, they wouldn’t give it a second thought until they returned a week later. However, many therapists are now offering their patients a new way to bridge the gap between a wonderful, thought-provoking therapy session and a week without any further engagement. It’s about time, right?

Thousands of private practices are now sending their patients out the door with a bit of “homework” to complete before their next session. Patients may download one of several different apps on the market to their smartphones or tablets, where they can complete surveys and sliding scale evaluations, as well as read information sheets that their therapists have assigned to them. In other words, if a patient has an episode at work that brings forth feelings of anxiety, by simply filling out a questionnaire, these emotions can be tracked and further evaluated. Patients will even receive notifications reminding them to complete these tasks, which will lead to a deeper level of involvement with their treatments. Progress or lack thereof will also be easier to spot, helping therapists make educated decisions regarding the treatment process.

In the age where “there’s an app for that”, taking full advantage of this to lead healthier, happier lives is more than just plain smart. Utilizing this technology, which is offered by Mentegram, can actually make things like therapy easier and more productive. That sure sounds like a plan to me!

Author's Bio: 

Angela Ash is the Content Manager for Mentegram, a mental healthcare technology company that is bridging the gap between patients and their therapists. They have helped over 200 therapists provide better care to more than 1,500 of their patients.

Angela is also a professional article writer and editor, specializing in online content and authoritative blog topics. Her additional therapy-related content may be found at

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