The sad truth of today’s cyber age is that aging strikes as early as the age of 30. Don’t be fooled by those porcelain-faced ladies walking on the streets. They have neatly tugged in their creases and lines behind layers of makeup. Look at them without makeup and you will be shocked. Thanks to the best anti aging creams, we still got hope; otherwise the world would be filled with wrinkled 30 somethings everywhere.

What causes early aging?

The basic cause of aging is decline in collagen levels in the skin and skin cell dehydration. What causes collagen levels to decrease at such a young age? What makes cells to lose their water content?

Here are a few culprits:

• The sun – it emits ultraviolet A and B rays that destroy the inner layer of your skin, the dermis. This is where collagen is produced. Due to the destruction, collagen breaks down, causing creases on the surface. UV rays are at their maximum between 10 in the morning to 4 in the evening. If you must go out during this time, cover your exposed skin properly and slather sunscreen 15 before you step outside. A scientifically advanced skin brightening cream also contains SPF.

• Cigarette smoke – it can make you look 10-15 years older! The smoke produces free radicals in the body that accelerate aging process. It makes your face look dull and worn out because your cells gets shriveled due to dehydration and, gradually, the skin loses its glow. If you decide to use the best anti aging creams, quit smoking first.

• Processed foods – they choke your skin. They contain no nutrition and are loaded with chemical preservatives. It is said that what you eat reflects on your face. One of the ways to hasten the working of an anti aging cream is to correct your diet. Include more fresh food and nutritious meals.

• Laxity in skin care – women who perform basic skin care right from their teens face lesser skin problems and exhibit beautiful skin for longer. Basic skin care consists of cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. You may skip skin toning, if not needed; but never skip skin cleansing. Use a sensitive skin cleanser to remove all traces of makeup and dirt.

• Diabetes and hypertension – these are medical conditions that fluctuate insulin levels in the body. Higher levels may cause skin inflammation, causing wrinkles. If you are suffering from any of these conditions, consult your doctor before using an anti aging cream.

• Mediocre makeup products – if you believe in using the best anti aging creams, you must also use the best makeup. Invest in top brands of makeup products to maintain the health of skin and to aid in anti aging formulas to work efficiently. Cheap products may harm your skin and may also hinder good absorption of wrinkle cream’s ingredients. So make sure whatever you apply on your skin is of top quality and suits your skin type.

Don’t let this unwanted modern trend of early aging catch up on your face. Use the best anti aging creams and maintain youth and beauty of your skin.

Author's Bio: offers the best anti aging creams, including sensitive skin cleanser and skin brightening cream. Log on to the site to get the details of all products.