Whether you want to believe it or not, you are responsible for being sick or well.

Even if you have a serious disease or illness, most likely, it was because of the lifestyle you decided to live.

Here are some of the factors that can determine your health
condition of which you control all of them daily.

* The type food you are eating
* The amount of regular exercise you do
* How you manage or eliminate stress
* The amount and type of nutrients you add to your diet

Now while all of these factors are important to good health, the first one and the fourth one are probably the two most important of all.

These two factors have a strong influence on your immune
system so that it operates at the highest level. Then you can be surer it will defend you against any diseases or illnesses that may
confront you.

So considering these two factors as the most important ones you need to be aware of these important points:

* A diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables. When eating any type of meat, make sure it has been processed free of hormones and antibiotics.

* It's also important that these animals are free to roam. This includes beef cattle, as well as, chickens and pigs. Cattle should be grass-fed. Chickens and pigs should be fed healthy and nutritional food free of any chemical additives.

* Fish is best if it is wild caught instead of farm raised..

* Be aware that fast food and/or processed food are not considered healthy choices. The harmful ingredients and the chemical additives that have been added to these foods have caused a world of health hazards.

* Now even though you may be on a healthy diet, it is still
important to add additional nutrients to your body every day. No food contains all the nutrients you need to develop a healthy body.

When I said earlier that I believed diet and supplementation were the two most important factors for developing a healthy body, I didn't mean to diminish the fact that exercise and stress management are also important as well.

As we age, exercise probably is now more important than ever. In our later years either because our children have grown up and moved away or because we have retired, we may not be quite as active as before. So now it's vitally important to consider some kind of exercise program; no matter how mild it might be. Some kind of exercise is
better than none at all.

Also as we age, high stress could be a major factor in our
life too, especially during the poor economic times we are going through now. This is when we need to take better control of our mind and replace negative thinking with positive thinking.

So now you may say that all these ideas sound great to consider doing, but how do you go about setting up a plan to implement all them.

Well if you will visit my website you will find we offer the
guidance you need to develop such a wellness program. Go
there at: http://www.sonnyjulius.com

Author's Bio: 

Sonny grew up in a family that owned a local florist business that lasted for 63 years. For 29 years he was personally involved in the business.

Eventually becoming dissatisfied at the age of 44 years with it, he left to become a sales representative and spent more than 20 years in sales roles.

After retirement Sonny became heavily involved in developing an Internet business.

Four years ago, his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. On the first visit with his wife to her oncologist, Sonny became involved in a discussion over possible treatments. He wanted to discuss alternative treatments instead of conventional treatments for her disease. The doctor was not receptive to his ideas at all.

His wife did eventually accept the doctor's decision but Sonny never did endorse it.

Because of this experience he left the doctor's office that day vowing to spent the rest of this life searching for alternative health methods to treat and cure all types of illnesses and diseases.

He then began sharing that information on his websites and even started writing articles on health matters to raise public awareness on the issues.

His wife's cancer is now in remission and she does accept many of his healthy recommendations. Hopefully both of them will extend their life expectancy by following daily healthier practices.

Sonny will continue to share this valuable information that he has compiled over the years, plus any other information he finds in the future, with everyone who is interested in his findings. He has released his ebook ”Become Healthier in Body and Mind” You can find it at his website: http://www.sonnyjulius.com