Panic attacks help is essential for those that have had attacks on the road and continue to drive in fear. There are those who are terrified of driving and find it hard to get into a car even as a passenger. Each person may have their reason for fearing to drive. Being involved in a car crash or hearing about one can cause emotional trauma and feelings of anxiety and dread.

Having an anxiety attack is just the body's way of responding to a threat or fear. Emotional fear is enough to activate the fight or flight response. In prehistoric times the stress response enabled man to fight with more speed, strength and alertness. Come the 21st century and the stress response is no longer being faced by a hungry beast with big teeth. Stress itself is the main cause of unnecessary activation of the fight or flight response.

This is a common problem, and in people with phobias and anxiety disorders it is much more frequent. Persons with a phobia or anxiety disorder generally possess a more sympathetic nervous system. It's not always a single traumatic event that causes one to fear driving. Several small incidences of panic can build up and cause an attack.

Getting caught in a traffic jam, missing your exit on the freeway, driving at night and driving over bridges; these are common situations that nervous drivers dread. Attacks may seem to come out of the blue. The heart starts to pound, the body tightens up and the driver fears of losing control over the vehicle. It is a terrifying experience that can put both the driver and others around them at risk.

People who have suffered attacks may refuse to drive or get back into a car. While some people simply stop driving, panic attacks treatment can help those who want to conquer their anxiety and start driving again. Driving is a necessity for some people.

Your doctor may advise medication or therapy as panic attacks help. Anxiety medication may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and the occurrence of panic attacks, but advice from a doctor must be sought before taking medication. Because medication sometimes cause side effects, they shouldn't be taken when driving. Therapies that require no use of medication are perhaps better suited to this phobia.

Breathing exercises, EFT and positive affirmations are also useful for those looking for alternative panic attacks help. Being prepared can help you get through your anxieties of driving. If you're very anxious or stressed, avoid getting in the car. Spend a few minutes breathing deeply to relax you before you travel. Some helpful things to take are; a cell phone, a CD and a paper bag in case you hyperventilate.

If you don't have satellite navigation, make sure to plan your journey. Don't drive when the roads are really busy. Turn on the radio to help soothe your nerves. Keep your shoulders relaxed and breathe steadily. Remind yourself that you will arrive safe and sound, and use positive affirmations.

When symptoms of anxiety start it can be frightening, but stay composed, breathe and remember that what you're feeling is merely the overproduction of adrenaline and the sensations will subside. If a panic attack is inevitable pull over to a safe area as soon as possible. Some people find breathing into a paper bag helps them to calm down. Wait until you calm down before getting back on the road, or if it's possible, call somebody to pick you up.

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With expert panic attacks help you can instantly stop panic attacks and learn to eliminate anxiety naturally. How? Visit the panic attacks treatment blog.