Angelscopes for May 2012
Love is in the air this month and this is not necessarily about romantic relationship, but there is a general feeling of love for all things in your life at the moment, a deep sense of gratitude and purpose. You are more than happy with your lot. Whilst others around you may be struggling to keep their heads above water and remain positive, you are presently basking in the glow of contentment, an absolute joy to be around. Others are very drawn towards you presently. Enjoy the abundance of love in its purest form as truly that is all our hearts yearn for and desire.
New doors opening for you this month and new starts are likely, however, it is not all likely to be plain sailing here. There are obstacles that you must overcome and chores which you are to endure. If you are willing to put in the effort and the time, the rewards will be yours. It seems as though you will need to be clear in your mind about your desire, in order to guarantee your success. Do not go into any situations half heartedly at the time, as they are more likely to fail. It is your strength and determination that will carry you through. Be strong in your convictions.
Time to strike out and get creative… this is an excellent time for you to pick up any old hobbies or start some new ones, as your creativity comes to the forefront this month. This will provide you with an excellent outlet for any stress or tension that you may be carrying. There may also be opportunities for hobbies to become more full time and perhaps open up a work opportunity for you. How fantastic! The ability to be able to do something that you truly love, no day at work can be a chore then. You may also need to look out for unfinished projects too. This is not such a great time for leaving masterpieces incomplete, do you best to finish what you started.
This is a quieter month for you, a month that will permit you time for some inner contemplation and reflection. There is a sense of you maybe even wanting to withdraw from everything and everyone around you. It may be deemed as you being moody and sulky, but you are just trying to gather your thoughts and find meaning and sense amongst the confusion. There are tasks here that you wish to complete, but now is not the time for you to push ahead. Now is the time for you to go within and connect with your inner world. The chaos outside will continue without you. Some time for yourself is long overdue.
A busy month for you on the communication front, so don’t be surprised to find loved ones from the past getting in touch and new romantic links coming forward. Someone is coming forth with gifts and praise for you. Keep an open heart and mind. You are also in a particularly good phase this month as life for you seems much clearer, at least the direction in which you are heading. There is a sense of everything having clicked into place of late. The stress and worry banished, allowing your inner creativity to come forth and shower all with your wonderful ideas. Keep it up, there is much more to come here and don’t be surprised to find this being a very intuitive process.
You may have had some financial concerns of late, but the pennies are soon to poor down on you. Expect cash from unexpected sources. This could be money that has been forgotten about in accounts, mystery benefactors or someone who feels that you are in need of a break. Those of you in search of work may also strike lucky this month too. Count your blessings and watch them multiply. You are asked to share what comes to you, where you can, no matter how small it is the thought that always counts. There is always someone less fortunate and it is easy for us to become caught up in our own financial drama.
A beautiful month lies ahead for you. There is a sense of plans coming to fruition and the universe has noted your long hard wait and patience has paid off, you can expect to begin enjoying the fruits of your labour very soon. It really does feel long overdue. There is also a sense of pride where family matters are concerned. There is a sense of everyone pulling together at this time and sharing some special moments, creating new memories, beautiful times to treasure and behold. Enjoy!
You need to cut through the debris this month and you need to be a little more feisty than normal. Not all is as it seems around you and you are nobody’s fool. Trust your instincts this month, they are as acute as ever. There will be opportunities to turn around these negative situations but it will require some clear thought and action on your part. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to get the information you require and once you start, ensure that you see it right through to the end. Never a good thing to start something and be too lazy to finish it, it will not reflect back well upon, especially around work situations.
Progress is with you this month. You are are standing tall and strong as ever. You have overcome a lot of rubbish the past month to reach this point it seems, tying up loose ends and sorting out the wheat from the chaff. There may have been some exists in your life too, but now you are ready to get things back on track. This month is all about new beginnings for you and striking whilst the iron is hot. The doors are open for you, all you need to do is step through them. You deserve this break and it is long overdue. Victory is yours, be thankful, as there were moments when you thought you might never make it.
There may be some new work opportunities to pop up around you this month, as there is a lot of communication and messages going back and forth. There could be ideas that were put on the back burner that are going to be given an opportunity to step forward and be taken to the next level, there is a sense of these being ideas that were perhaps even forgotten. You have full control here this month, but the right people are here to help you make those dreams a reality. Allow the fire in your belly to be the driving force this month, pour all that passion into your projects!
You are a little undecided here as to what to do, life is lot like a juggling act at the moment, you may even question if the right choices have been made here and wonder if the chaos around you is merely for the benefit and entertainment of others. Fear not, that is far from the case. You are reminded of your place in the grander scheme of things and your present circumstance is not random fluke, but choice and Divine timing. You may question the how or why, but the path is the right one for you and the rewards further down the line will be great. At the moment you have to just keep focused on the many things, until you reach that quieter and more comfortable zone that permits you to let your hair down.
You are asked to connect with your intuitive side this month, as your emotions become more balanced. You are sometimes guilty of taking things out of context or at times become self absorbed by your own mental and emotional state. There is an olive branch being given to you this month and a chance for you to share your woes. You may even surprise yourself and find that in sharing you will lighten your energetic load and mood greatly. What have you got to lose by trying it? Surely even you want to lead a more harmonious life, don’t you?
By Susan Angel ©
Susan Angel
UK Based Psychic Medium, Teacher, Spiritual Healer and Hypnotherapist.
More information is available via my websites:
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