As we begin the transformation process, our beliefs need to shift so we can experience beneficial behavioral changes. With everything in chaos around us, we require a system that’s Functional, Adaptable, Sustainable, (now in Time); FAST. Everything we do must be Functional, Sustainable, Adaptable, and implemented NOW.
The FAST system is so simple even someone with an MBA can’t screw it up! Remember, the emphasis of a formal MBA training was to look for problems so you could then figure out a way to solve them. The focus of the FAST approach is to improve function, rather than solve problems. Keep that in mind as we move along.
The FAST system is unique in that it’s in continual flux. Nothing can ever remain the same and that’s the inherent beauty of it! The process of improving function is alive and ever evolving. But, don’t worry; the information and specific tools I give you will move you toward an increasing confidence in applying intuition in every situation.
A FAST Overview
FAST begins with Functionality; relating to the way something works or operates. Ask yourself, is it functional? Are my actions functional? Is my body healthy? Is my mind really supporting what it is I say I want to become?
The A is Adaptability; to make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose. Ask yourself, is it adaptable? If yes, am I ready to shift any belief or behavior, which limits me in any way? If no, what do I need to do next to become more adaptable Adaptability is fully preparing in advance for the changes, which are inevitably coming our WAY!
The S is Sustainability; able to be maintained at a certain rate or level. Ask yourself, is it sustainable? Does it add as much life to all aspects of life, while taking away life from no aspect?
And the T is Time; the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. Ask yourself, what is my personal belief of time? What is my relationship to time? Is time my enemy? What beliefs can I shift to make time my ally? By using my intuition, what changes can I implement to cause positive, measurable and tangible physical results RIGHT Now
That’s FAST. Now let’s explore the first area of the system in greater depth:
Relating to the way something works or operates is how we generally define functionality. When looked at from an individual perspective, functionality is unique to each one of us based on the structure of our individual lives. And as long as we are not violating the rights of others, that’s functionality.
If we each have our own version of function, we cannot hope to agree on what it is or how it looks. Personally, I may determine that one system is functional in my business because it allows the most freedom among my employees, but you may disagree entirely.
That we each define functionality for ourselves may make it difficult to understand, because we’re dealing with something involving a whole new paradigm shift. The exact languaging can be a challenge because we are actively creating a new language. At the same time we are experiencing the meaning of the language. Added to this complexity is knowing that this understanding doesn’t necessarily come from the thinking mind. It can be extra perplexing! But don’t get hung up on the details of how this all works.
Even under the best of circumstances, communication can be challenging. How can we expect that words any combination of 26 symbols-accurately and effectively communicate what we’re trying to convey from a place, which includes physical existence, yet is not limited by it? Especially when we are communicating fresh new concepts and principles that have never before existed?
It’s incredibly complex to try to comprehend with the mind alone. It is much more effective to go into the feeling aspect of yourself, in order to begin to really communicate, than it is to try to agree on a definition.
You must discover your own definition of what is functional for you, based upon how it feels; it is unique for each of us. You have to know how it feels for you to be in the full flow of function. This knowing is by its very nature experiential. It is not something that can be experienced via the understanding of others.
It has become exceptionally trendy to talk about the laws of attraction. Yet it appears there is really one primary law and it is you have to discover what functions best for your life and not be influenced by how others define function’ for you.
To go deeper into the study of these concepts, join Morgan Langan at ~ a leadership conference/festival taking place in Sedona Arizona October 2-5, 2009
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