For now, it is always advised to save electricity as small contributions from everyone are going to have a huge effect on the whole. However, in the times to come this would not be enough to save enough electricity to fulfill everyone’s requirements. To avoid such a major upcoming dilemma, scientists and people are already trying to discover alternate energy resources to make up for what saving electricity would not be able to do single handedly in the future.

The most researched alternate source is the solar energy. Sunlight is available to almost everyone on the Earth no matter where they live. There is plenty of sun and the energy it contains is an amount that is never ending no matter how much of it gets used. Scientists thought of using it to advantage by making use of the infinite amount of energy available for free. They developed solar panel. These are panels that have cells in them that use solar energy to charge themselves. The panels are usually installed up on the roofs where there is plenty of sunlight during the day. The cells are charged when the sun is up and the energy is later dispensed and used for daily work in place of electricity. The panels itself are a little expensive to install but later the maintenance and consumption rate are extremely economical.

Wind energy is also a possible option however; this is only for people who live in areas where there is plenty of fast blowing wind to generate electricity. Windmills are put up that use wind energy to run huge fans that turn round and round and in turn run turbines. These turbines produce energy that can be used in place of electricity. The amount of energy is not too much but enough for a small area or village maybe where daily electricity consumption rates are not too high. Wind energy is not a very reliable source too as the energy produced directly depends on the speed and the amount of time for which the wind blows, which can largely differ from day to day.

Hydel or water power is another alternate resource that is popularly being used to produce electricity itself. This is a considerably favorable choice for areas that have access to free running water and a place that is suitable for dam to be built and turbines to be installed. Extremely fast flowing water is made to fall from a height onto the turbines. The pressure and speed of the water makes the turbines turn and run and produce electricity in return. The water that falls below goes into the dam where it can either be stored for later use or circulated back to make it fall over once again. This is a very effective method and is being successfully practiced in many areas.

Since the time man came into being, he has been burning up things to generate energy. Anything that is combustible and can produce energy from burning can be used as an alternative to electricity. These types of energy resources are called Biomass Energy resources and usually include living things like, wood, cow dung, coal, gas, corn and wheat stalks etc to burn and produce energy.

There are also more advanced resources like the nuclear power, hydrogen and nitro fuels and geothermal energy resources, but the ones stated above are in use commonly and a good way of making up for what saving electricity cannot do alone.

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